PRIO Preview: Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One
Have you ever looked at one of those cool Number 100+ Chaos Xyz Monsters and thought, “Wow, this card has an awesome effect, but I wish there were an easier way to Summon this thing.” Now there is! The Barian Emperors’ trump card from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal – Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One – makes it a breeze to Summon a Chaos Xyz Monster with its original form attached to it as an Xyz Material. Best of all, any Deck can use Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One to Summon any number-over-a-hundred Chaos Xyz Monster once per Duel – and all you have to do is draw it!
When you draw Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One for your normal draw during your Draw Phase, you can reveal it and then keep it revealed until Main Phase 1. Then, at the start of Main Phase 1 of that same turn, you can activate it to Special Summon the original form of 1 monster that has a number between Number 101 and Number 107 in its name from your Graveyard or Extra Deck. Next, you immediately use that Number Xyz Monster as an Xyz Material to Xyz Summon the corresponding “Number C” monster from your Extra Deck.
The effect of Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One sounds complicated, but it’s actually pretty simple. It boils down to this: Draw it for your turn, show it to your opponent, give them a moment to get all the sadness out of their system, then play your best Number 100+ monster from your Extra Deck for free and slap its “Number C” form on top of it. This counts as Xyz Summoning that “Number C” monster, so in the case of Number C101: Silent Honor DARK you can revive it with its own ability.
Currently, there are only 3 Chaos Xyz Monsters that you can Summon with Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One, but the remaining 4 Chaos Xyz Monsters are available in Primal Origins and Dragons of Legend, and will be released before or alongside Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One. Here’s a quick rundown of the power that each number-over-a-hundred Chaos Xyz Monster holds after you Summon it with Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One:
–Number C101: Silent Honor DARK (from Legacy of the Valiant) has 2800 ATK and can attach any opposing Special Summoned monster to itself as an Xyz Material once per turn. Plus, when it’s destroyed and sent to the Graveyard while it has an Xyz Material attached to it, you can Special Summon it back to the field and gain 2800 Life Points. Once it gets rolling, it’s nearly impossible to stop
–Number C102: Archfiend Seraph (from Primal Origin, which releases May 16th) has 2900 ATK and can give up an Xyz Material to negate a monster’s effect and reduce that monster’s ATK to 0. Plus, when Archfiend Seraph loses its last Xyz Material, it deals 1500 points of damage to the opponent. Summoning Archfiend Seraph with The Seventh One leaves it with only 1 Material, so when you detach it to weaken an enemy monster you’ll trigger the damage dealing effect!
–Number C103: Ragnafinity (from Primal Origin, which releases May 16th) has 2800 ATK and can give up an Xyz Material to inflict damage to an opponent equal to the difference between one of his or her monster’s original ATK and current ATK. Then, Ragnafinity banishes that monster. When Ragnafinity is destroyed with an Xyz Material attached to it, you can also Special Summon it back to the field.
–Number C104: Umbral Horror Masquerade (from Judgment of the Light) has 3000 ATK and destroys a Spell or Trap Card when it’s Special Summoned. Furthermore, when your opponent activates the effect of a monster on their side of the field, it can give up an Xyz Material to negate the activation of that effect, send a random card from your opponent’s hand to his or her Graveyard, and halve your opponent’s Life Points.
–Number C105: Battlin’ Boxer Comet Cestus (from Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy) has 2800 ATK and inflicts damage to your opponent equal to half of the original ATK of each monster it destroys in battle and sends to the Graveyard. In addition, it can give up an Xyz Material to destroy an opponent’s monster and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster’s ATK.
–Number C106: Giant Red Hand (available in Dragons of Legend on April 25th) has 2600 ATK and can give up an Xyz Material when a card or effect is activated during either player’s turn to negate the effects of all other face-up cards on the field.
–Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon (available in Primal Origin on May 16th) has 4500 ATK! In addition, you can Tribute 2 monsters in Main Phase 1 to let it attack your opponent’s monsters three times during your Battle Phase. Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon can also give up an Xyz Material to negate the effects of all other face-up cards on the field and prevent your opponent from activating any cards or effects for the rest of the turn!!
You’ll have to make room in your Extra Deck for the Chaos Xyz Monster you want to Summon with Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One, as well as the non-chaos version of that monster to attach as an Xyz Material. But it’s well worth fitting those 2 cards into your Extra Deck to Summon incredible monsters like a fully-powered Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon with the draw of a card.
If you’re already using the non-chaos version of a monster that can be Summoned by Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One, then using Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One effectively is as simple as adding the chaos form of that Xyz Monster to your Extra Deck. Decks that rely on Xyz Summoning Rank 4 monsters like Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and Number 103: Ragnazero can take advantage of this strategy by simply adding a single copy of Number C101: Silent Honor DARK or Number C103: Ragnafinity to the Extra Deck for use with The Seventh One. And since nearly every Deck right now is already playing with Number 101: Silent Honor ARK, the cost to you is basically losing the Extra Deck monster you play the least. Barely a cost at all when the reward is arbitrarily Summoning a full-power Number C101: Silent Honor DARK for free.
The one real weakness of Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One appears when you draw Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One in your 5-card opening hand or outside of your Draw Phase with the effect of a card like Cardcar D. When this happens, it gets stuck in your hand and you can’t activate it. Fortunately, there are ways to put it back on top of your Deck so that you can draw and activate it on your next turn. And you can always just not play with Cardcar D.
Plaguespreader Zombie, for example, lets you put a card from your hand on top of your Deck to Special Summon itself from the Graveyard. Put Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One on top of your Deck to set up a Chaos Xyz Summon on your next turn. This powerful play makes Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One especially potent in Decks that typically use Plaguespreader Zombie, such as Zombie Decks and Lightsworn Decks.
If you’re using a Sylvan Deck, you can use the new Sylvan Charity Spell Card (which you’ll hear a lot about in the coming weeks!) to put Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One on top of your Deck. Sylvan Charity is a Spell Card that lets you draw 3 cards and then put 2 cards from your hand on top of your Deck, as long as one of those 2 cards is a Sylvan card. If you don’t have any Sylvan Cards in your hand, you have to put all of the cards in your hand on top of your Deck after drawing 3 cards with Sylvan Charity. Either way, you can put Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One on top of your Deck to prepare for a Duel-ending Chaos Xyz Summon on your next turn!
The Barian Emperors use the Barian’s Chaos Draw to draw Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One and instantly Summon a signature Xyz Monster. Now, you can do the same just by drawing it in your Draw Phase! Bypass the challenges of combining your monsters to perform Chaos Xyz Summons, and start annihilating your opponent with a Chaos Xyz Monster Summoned by Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One!
You can get your hands on Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One when Primal Origin is released on May 16th!