There have been many different spells throughout the history of Yu-Gi-Oh! that allow you to draw extra cards. The classic Pot of Greed allows you to draw two cards from your Deck, and we’ve seen plenty of different Spells that draw 2 cards see a lot of tournament play. Cybernetic Horizon introduces Celestial Observatory , a new Spell that gives you more ways to draw cards if you can meet its condition!
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In today’s Cybernetic Horizon preview, we’re gearing up for more Mekk-Knight action! Introducing Mekk-Knight of the Morning Star, a brand new Link Monster that channels the power of the World Legacy and defends your Mekk-Knights! Read more…
Drawing cards is great. The only person that doesn’t want you drawing cards is the person at the table sitting across from you, but beyond that, no one doesn’t like drawing cards. Cybernetic Horizon has a Spell Card that combines aspects from a few of the most powerful draw effects in the game. Take a look at the Ledger of Legerdemain!
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Cybernetic Horizon features a twist on a classic Ritual Monster theme with the release of Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon and Ruin, Supreme Queen of Oblivion. These monsters are alternate versions of Demise, King of Armageddon and Ruin, Queen of Oblivion who have been a part of the TCG for over 10 years. This type of Ritual Monster is traditionally difficult to Summon because you need to find the Ritual Monster, the matching Ritual Spell Card, and the Tributes for the Ritual Summon. That might have been difficult in the past, but the Impcantation monsters make your Ritual Summons super easy!
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Duelists have come to expect incredible power from Link-4 monsters. That’s because there are so many amazing Link-4 monsters currently in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. On the tournament scene, the most popular Link-4 monsters are easy to Summon, have high Attack Points, have effects that will help you finish off an opponent, and have effects that will protect you and your monsters if you can’t finish off an opponent. Borrelsword Dragon from Cybernetic Horizon has all of these qualities.
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