Grapha came through at YCS Kansas, taking three of his loyal followers to the Top 32! One of them was Maurice Brantley, who piloted a cool Dark World Deck packing cards like Dark Smog and Ceruli, Guru of Dark World. Dark World decks pack lots of attack power thanks to Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World and his 2700 ATK. Since Grapha can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard every turn, Dark World Duelists command deadly aggression. They’re also consistent because they have cards that let them draw more cards and search cards directly from the Deck. Brantley took things one step further and gave his Deck some slick advantages over other Dark World builds. Here are the big strengths that make this Deck successful…
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The Master Hyperion Deck exploded onto the tournament scene when the Lost Sanctuary Structure Deck was released. There are a few distinct styles of Hyperion Deck. Some use only LIGHT-Fairy monsters, others use the T.G. monsters. Chapman chose neither route, simply adding powerful cards like Maxx “C”, Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Tragoedia to a basic Agent and Fairy skeleton, and it worked wonders, earning him a Top 32 spot at the Kansas City YCS Tournament! Read on to learn more about the Hyperion build that took Chapman to the top.
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Courtney Waller won YCS Kansas with a Chaos Deck; an underplayed strategy that most Duelists weren’t prepared for! Chaos Decks use powerful LIGHT and DARK monsters, like Thunder King Rai-Oh and Tour Guide from the Underworld. Once they hit the Graveyard, a Chaos Duelist can banish them to Special Summon Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning and Chaos Sorcerer. Here’s what makes this Deck so good:
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When a new Limited and Forbidden Cards list is announced, there’s always a lot of discussion about what cards became Forbidden or Limited, as well as cards that you can now run 2 or even 3 copies of again. One of the most talked about changes with the current list has been the limitation of Book of Moon, a card that was previously allowed at 3 copies and used at 3 copies in almost every Deck. Obviously, this is a big change, so here’s a peek at how Decks might change and adapt to it and how you can take advantage of it!

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The Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME is a game of strategy. That means you’re going to plan your victory, and then choose the right cards and the right moves to turn that plan into reality. Your plan is going to be made up of goals: things you want to accomplish that’ll let you win. Choosing the right goals, and understanding how you can reach them, is really important. Unless you know exactly what you’re trying to do – and how to do it – your Deck won’t work.
Picking the perfect strategy and building the right Deck might sound tough, but as long as you look at it in terms of goals, it’s actually pretty easy! The first step is to…
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