The Realm of Light Structure Deck has the first new cards for Lightsworn Decks in years! But some of the newcomers aren’t just awesome in Lightsworn Decks – they’ve got a ton of potential in other strategies, too! Read more…
Obedience Schooled is one of the coolest World Premiere cards in Legacy of the Valiant, and nobody saw it coming! Want an instant Naturia Beast on Turn 1? Sure. Free Fabled Synchros? Go for it. Best Ojama Deck ever? This card makes it happen! Check out this beastly new Spell Card… Read more…
The release of Hidden Arsenal 4 brought us an entire new family of “Fabled” monsters! “The Fabled” are super-cute versions of mythological creatures, and like their Fabled masters before them, they command powerful discard effects. Their mightiest monsters are a pair of Level 4 Synchros, and they’re a snap to Summon!

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Starstrike Blast gave Fiend Duelists a new heavy-hitter, as Archfiend Empress entered the fiendish fray! Now Fiend Decks get another boost, as Storm of Ragnarok unleashes another high-Level Fiend-Type: Chaos Hunter. The Hunter is a Level 7 DARK Fiend with 2500 ATK and 1600 DEF…

When your opponent Special Summons a monster, you can discard 1 card to Special Summon this card from your hand. Your opponent cannot remove cards from play.
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Hidden Arsenal 2 brought the “Fabled” monsters into the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, a new family of cards that revolve around discarding cards from your hand, similar to what Dark World Decks did before. The headliner of these monsters is Fabled Valkyrus, a 2900 ATK Synchro Monster that lets you draw cards by discarding “Fabled” monsters. At Level 8 it’s a difficult card to Summon, but Fabled Raven from Duelist Revolution makes it a whole lot easier.

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