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Posts Tagged ‘Fairy Monsters’

The Melodious Divas Debut!

September 16th, 2014

Three new rising stars are taking center stage in Duelist Alliance, and they’ll be performing their way to the top of the Dueling scene! Aria the Melodious Diva, Sonata the Melodious Diva, and Mozarta the Melodious Maestro are the newest trio of talented monsters that work together to dazzle opponents. Read more…

Dominating with Darklords!

October 12th, 2011

After a long wait, the Darklords are finally available to Duelists world-wide!  Previously available only as rare promo cards, the Darklords have finally been reprinted.  You’ll find Darklord Asmodeus; Darklord Superbia; and Darklord Edeh Arae in every Legendary Collection 2, and lucky Duelists may find Darklord Desire in a Legendary Collection 2 Mega-Pack.  Now that you have the Darklords at last, here’s some cool stuff you can do with them!



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More cards to power up your Lost Sanctuary Structure Deck!

July 22nd, 2011

The Agent Deck is capable of some powerful moves, as I proved in my previous article. However, a deck is only as good as its support. Thankfully, the amount of cards that work in an Agent Deck is staggering! Today we’re going to take a look at some of the cards that aren’t in the Lost Sanctuary Structure Deck, but work just as well in your very own Agent Deck.
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Improving (Herald of) Perfection

August 31st, 2010

Two very different Herald of Perfection Decks debuted at YCS Virginia.  Russel LaParre made Top 8 at that tournament with a Deck that used Dawn of the Herald to Ritual Summon Herald of Perfection, while former Champion Jessy Samek played Advanced Ritual Art instead, using it to send Fairy-Type Normal Monsters to the Graveyard for his Ritual Summons.  These 2 strategies both grew in different directions, when Duelists like Andrew Lindskog, Jeff Jones, and Chris Duff Dueled their way to the top cut playoff rounds at YCS Chicago with Herald Decks.

All of those Duelists brought unique innovations, discovering new strengths to outplay the competition.  By taking a look back at prior successes, plus a look forward at cards that might see play in the future, we can show you how to take your Herald Deck to the next level.

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Meet the Darklords

May 17th, 2010

Since 2004, the winner of a SHONEN JUMP Championship has received a special prize card. Even though the name of these events changed to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series this past weekend, the tradition of the prize card lives on. But the new prize card announced this weekend was actually a set of 3 different cards: Darklord Asmodeus, Darklord Edeh Arae, and Darklord Superbia!

 You know you want them.

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Categories: Beginner Tips Tags: ,