Duelist Alliance doesn’t launch until August 15th, but it has so many great cards that we have to start talking about them now if we want to stand any chance of getting through them all before the Duelist Alliance Regional season kicks off! While the brand new Pendulum Monsters, like Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, are sure to be a hot commodity right out of the gates, most of the speculation about Duelist Alliance has been about the other “hot” cards – the ones based on Dante Alighieri’s Inferno! Read more…
Two cards from Generation Force that work really well together even though they might not seem like it are Super Crashbug and Number 34: Terror-Byte. They may seem totally unrelated, but they’re actually connected through Crashbug X, Crashbug Y, and Crashbug Z! Each basic Crashbug is a Level 3 Fiend-Type monster. When you Normal Summon one Crashbug, if you have the right Crashbug on the field already, you can Special Summon the third Crashbug from your Deck. That makes them perfect for Summoning Number 34: Terror-Byte!
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Starstrike Blast gave Fiend Duelists a new heavy-hitter, as Archfiend Empress entered the fiendish fray! Now Fiend Decks get another boost, as Storm of Ragnarok unleashes another high-Level Fiend-Type: Chaos Hunter. The Hunter is a Level 7 DARK Fiend with 2500 ATK and 1600 DEF…

When your opponent Special Summons a monster, you can discard 1 card to Special Summon this card from your hand. Your opponent cannot remove cards from play.
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The Starstrike Blast Sneak Peek is rapidly approaching, so it’s only right that the first card we preview is the first card you’ll see when you go to your Sneak Peek. While supplies last, every Duelist who signs up for the Sneak Peek will receive a copy of the new Archfiend Empress, a Level 8 DARK Fiend-Type monster with 2900 ATK. She has no special requirements, you just have to Tribute 2 monsters to Summon her, and that makes her useful no matter what cards you decide to put in your Deck at the Sneak Peek. But once you’re done with the Sneak Peek, Archfiend Empress is still a really cool card that you can use with a lot of your older cards, many of which you have a chance of pulling from the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Legendary Collection. Archfiend Empress has two special abilities to go along with her colossal ATK…
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The new Secret Rare Stygian Street Patrol from Duelist Revolution has a home in many Decks. Stygian Street Patrol will be a huge asset to anyone using the new “Fabled” family of monsters that debuted in Hidden Arsenal 2. It’s a Fiend-Type monster with an effect that activates when it’s in the Graveyard making it a perfect fit for this Deck.

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