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Posts Tagged ‘General Strategy’

What’s In a Name?

March 11th, 2015

Here’s something to think about: When is a card “for” your Deck?

For many Duelists, the answer is “When it shares the same theme name as the rest of the cards in my Deck.” That certainly is the most common answer, and looking for theme names does make it much easier to identify cards that definitely will work with your strategy of choice. But what it won’t do, is help you to discover and develop new strategies, nor will it even come close to catching all the cards that can help out your current strategy. To demonstrate my point, ask yourself this question: “What is the most recent card released for Mecha Phantom Beasts?”

Go ahead and click over to the Card Database if you want to do a little research, then come back here and read on after you have your answer. Read more…

Starring Roles

December 10th, 2014

We’ve got a plan, we know the cards needed to pull it off, and we know which cards can help you filter through the Deck to get the necessary cards. The last things to think about are defensive cards and how to construct the Extra Deck. Let’s start on the defensive end. Read more…

Main-Sequence Stars

December 10th, 2014

We left off yesterday having concocted a clear and precise strategy for winning with Satellarknights, courtesy of Stellarknight Triverr, Satellarknight Alsahm, and the well known Satellarknight Altair + Satellarknight Deneb combo. If you missed it, the gist of it is that you can deal exactly 8000 damage to your opponent by Summoning Satellarknight Alsahm 3 times, Summoning, clearing the field with, and attacking with Stellarknight Triverr twice, and adding an extra 800 damage from Gagaga Cowboy. That’s (3 * 1000) + (2 * 2100) + 800 = 8000. Today we’re going to talk about the cards you’ll want to run to make sure this happens every game. Read more…

First Star I See Tonight…

December 9th, 2014

North America is in a bit of a weird spot right now in terms of Premier-level competition. YCS Anaheim was the last Premier Event in North America for 2014, so most Duelists in North America will only be getting their game on at Regionals and local tournaments until January. Since there’s such a lengthy break before the first YCS of 2015, that makes now the perfect time to improve your skills and develop your strategies! There’s one strategy in particular that I think could use some serious development over the break. It hasn’t really changed or adapted at all since its debut, and I think that’s really hurting the strategy’s overall chance for success. I speak, of course, of Satellarknights. Read more…

No More Heavy Storm – Now What?

September 25th, 2013

One of the biggest changes on the latest Forbidden & Limited List was the Forbidden status of Heavy Storm.  Before YCS Toronto nobody really knew how that was going to pan out, but now that we’ve seen the results from the first YCS of the new era, as well as plenty of Regional Qualifiers, we have some answers.

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