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Posts Tagged ‘Important News’

Important News Regarding Evilswarm Castor and Constellar Pollux

May 15th, 2013

This past weekend, the YCS in Meadowlands, New Jersey introduced Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars to the major competitive Dueling landscape. As is always the case with new cards, new questions and new situations arose, and as always, our incredible volunteer Judges rose to the challenge and performed admirably.

As is the case in any game or sport where officiating exists, which is basically all of them, players and officials can and will disagree on the rules and their interpretations. In this game, we welcome such disagreements as they promote discussion and help us understand the different ways our players and judges view the game, the cards, the card text, and the rules in general.

All information gathered is carefully examined and processed so that we can improve the way our cards are written and create the best gameplay experience possible for all Duelists. It normally takes a while before you see any changes based on such information, but an interesting situation arose this past weekend in New Jersey that we feel a need to address right away, as it’s likely to affect this weekend’s National Championships around the world.

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