Give Your Old Deck a Geargia Boost!
September 4th, 2012
If you checked out any of the coverage from this past weekend’s YCS in Toronto, then you know the secret is out: The Geargia monsters from Return of the Duelist are really good. 4 Duelists made it to the playoff rounds with straight-up Geargia Decks, one of whom made it all the way to the Semi-finals! That’s pretty crazy for a Deck that had only been legal for 5 days.
While they’re perfectly good on their own, as evidenced by YCS Toronto, the Geargia monsters can also be used to bolster a variety of older Machine-based strategies. Gear Gigant X isn’t picky about the Machines it fetches out of your Deck, making it a perfect fit in lots of Decks. For example…