(If you haven’t read the first two articles in this series, be sure and read the Introduction and New Terminology articles! Then come back here for part 3.)
Put on your thinking caps! I’m about to explain the most important part of the new Problem-Solving Card Text.
As far as rules go, the most important info on a card are its Timing, Targeting, and Conditions. These are also the things that cause the most questions. For example: Read more…
(If you haven’t read the first article in this series, be sure and read it first! Then come back here for part 2.)
As we talk about the new Problem-Solving Card Text in the days ahead, we’re going to give you examples from upcoming sets so that you can understand better.
Those examples are going to look pretty strange unless we go over a few wording changes first. These are really simple, and will make the cards easier to read.
Remember, you’ll start seeing these with cards printed in July of this year, and with all the cards printed after that. Read more…
The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG has too many rules.
Don’t get me wrong, the basic game rules are pretty simple. Everyone’s seen how they work from the TV series and the manga. The big problem is with rulings on specific cards. There are so many. So why is that, anyway? Read more…