Welcome back to our PSY-Frame primer! If you missed Part 1, you should definitely check it out here, since a lot of the points in this article rely on you knowing what the Main Deck PSY-Frame cards do. Once you’re ready to become a PSY-Frame savant, read on! Read more…
High-Speed Riders is just around the corner, and with it comes a new purely Psychic-Type Deck theme: PSY-Frame! Psychic monsters have made a splash in the past in themes like Gusto and Ritual Beast, but finally have a full group of monsters that are dedicated to reading your opponent’s thoughts and controlling every action they make in the Duel. Next you’ll say: “There’s no way such a thing is possible!” and then click “read more” to find out what I’m talking about. Read more…
Ritual Beasts are the latest group of cards that use Fusion Monsters as their boss monsters! But unlike most Fusion Monsters, Ritual Beast Fusion Monsters don’t require you to use Polymerization or a pseudo-Polymerization to Summon them. Like the Gladiator Beast Fusion Monsters that dominated the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME many years ago, Ritual Beast Fusions simply require that you to control the Fusion Materials on your field in order to Summon them. That makes Ritual Beasts a versatile theme that’s fun to play and easy to learn. Read more…
Whenever the Forbidden & Limited Cards List changes, Duelists try out pretty much every strategy under the sun until they find one that works for them. That’s why I like to play Decks with a wide variety of cards to tackle any situation thrown at me. One of the Decks that I can’t wait to try out is Psychics. Psychic Decks can exploit powerful card effects to handle just about anything opponents throw at them.
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There were a lot of really cool Decks being played up in Toronto this past weekend. The field was incredibly diverse, as were the playoff rounds on Sunday which featured an insane 10 different Decks in contention for the championship win. Among them, our pick for the absolute coolest was the Psychic Deck with Grandsoil the Elemental Lord that made it to the finals. While it may have come up short in the end, the Psychic strategy itself is sound. It’s also not one that many people are familiar with, so here’s a primer on how it works, and the key cards to the Deck.
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