Scrap Factory
Primal Origin is packed with awesome cards that update old Decks, and Scrap Factory is one of them! Scrap Factory makes your Scraps stronger than before, and makes it easier than ever to Special Summon Scraps to the field! Read more…
Primal Origin is packed with awesome cards that update old Decks, and Scrap Factory is one of them! Scrap Factory makes your Scraps stronger than before, and makes it easier than ever to Special Summon Scraps to the field! Read more…
The Scrap Deck is all about big, repeatable combos, Synchro Summoning Scrap Dragons every turn to bust through your opponent’s defenses! Scrap Chimera is the key, but thanks to the new Scrap Orthros from Extreme Victory, Scraps have never been stronger.
First, let’s talk about the classic Scrap combo that makes this Deck so deadly.
Scrap Duelists are going strong, and Storm of Ragnarok brings new cards to the Scrap arsenal! One of them is a never-before-seen World Premier card that gives the Deck more muscle, and another way to recycle Scrap Chimera from the Graveyard. Scrap Breaker is a Level 6 EARTH Machine-Type with 2100 ATK and 700 DEF:
Last week, we introduced you to an all-new “Scrap” Tuner from Starstrike Blast: Scrap Mind Reader. Today, we’ll show you 2 awesome new “Scrap” monsters to play it with. One is a massive Level 9 Synchro Monster, while the other is a clever combo card. First up, check out the new biggest hitter in the Scrap arsenal – Scrap Twin Dragon!
Once per turn, you can select 1 card you control and 2 cards your opponent controls. Destroy the one you control and return the two your opponent controls to the hand. When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to the Graveyard, select 1 non-Synchro "Scrap" monster in your Graveyard, and Special Summon it.
After a Summer of domination, X-Sabers continue to be 1 of the most successful – and popular – Decks in Championship-level competition. After an X-Saber mirror match in the Finals of YCS Toronto in September, X-Sabers have been amongst the top 3 most-played strategies at each YCS tournament that followed.
But a new force emerged with the release of Duelist Revolution: Scraps. Scrap Duelists made it to the Top 16 of YCS San Jose, YCS Bochum, and YCS Philadelphia, and made dual Top 8 showings in an October Regional Qualifier event in Oshawa, Ontario, piloted by two previous Championship winners. Scrap Duelists are just discovering the techniques that unlock the Deck’s true power, and Starstrike Blast is going to take Scraps to all new heights. In tonights Monday Night Matchup, we pit the new Scrap Deck against 1 of the most consistent strategies of all time: X-Sabers.