Zigfried von Schroeder’s long-anticipated Valkyrie cards are now here! You can find all of his Valkyrie monsters, along with Ride of the Valkyries and Mischief of the Time Goddess, in Shadows in Valhalla!
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We first saw the Invoked make their debut in Fusion Enforcers back in early 2017, and now they’re set to become even stronger! Invoked gets a brand-new Link Monster in Shadows over Valhalla that makes it easy to overwhelm your opponent with a flurry of fast Fusion Summons!
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The Ninjas, those masters of stealth and turning into animals, have returned! Shadows in Valhalla brings new Ninjas, a new Grandmaster Link Monster, and a new transforming Ninjitsu Art! We’ve even discovered the top secret village of the Ninja where they learn their Ninjitsu Arts!
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The “Elder Entity” and “Old Entity” monsters have some of the coolest, most unique effects in Dueling: Elder Entity Norden’s ability was so powerful it had to be locked away on the Forbidden List!
Now, a new breed of ancient threat awakens in Shadows in Valhalla: the Outer Entities. Take a look at the Rank 4 Xyz Monster Outer Entity Nyarla, and the Rank 5 Outer Entity Azathot.
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Yesterday we looked at the new Valkyrie cards from the KC Grand Prix anime episodes. Today we look at the new Ninjas coming soon in Shadows in Valhalla!
Ninja Grandmaster Saizo is the Ninjas’ new Link Monster, who searches out “Ninjitsu Art” cards and can use his stealth to avoid getting wrecked.
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