4 Cool ‘Caster Combos!
It’s been about 3 weeks since the release of Return of the Duelist, and I hope everyone has been having fun with all the new cards! The last few weeks of Dueling have been pretty interesting. At YCS Toronto, we saw two extremely successful Decks in the Top 4 that were built by combining new Return of the Duelist cards with older cards. There was a Geargia Deck that used Geargiarmor, Geargiaccelerator, Geargiarsenal, and Gear Gigant X along with Machina Gearframe, Machina Peacekeeper, and Machina Fortress. And the very cool second place Deck combined Grandsoil the Elemental Lord with EARTH Psychic monsters from Extreme Victory, Crossroads of Chaos, and The Duelist Genesis.
I mentioned way back in August that the Prophecy monsters and Spellbook cards can work with all Spellcaster-based strategies, and in light of the recent success of Duelists who are combining Return of the Duelist cards with their old favorites, I thought I’d share some cool combos you can do by combining Return of the Duelist cards with some of my old favorites! Read more…