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Posts Tagged ‘The New Challengers’

Oasis of Dragon Souls

December 1st, 2014

There are a ton of great new themed cards in The New Challengers, for Decks ranging from Shaddolls to Burning Abyss, Satellarknights to Qliphorts. NECH certainly has a lot of great cards for individual strategies like those, but today’s spotlight falls on something that can go in any Deck! A twist on the always excellent classic card Call of the Haunted, take a look at Oasis of Dragon Souls! Read more…

Denizen of the Night!

November 14th, 2014

All of the currently popular Decks – including Shaddoll Decks, Tellarknight Decks, and Burning Abyss Decks – focus on Special Summoning their most powerful Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monsters. Now, there’s a Level 4 Effect Monster that can take down just about every Deck’s biggest boss monsters. The New Challengers introduces Night Dragolich to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME! Read more…

The New Challengers Arrives on the Scene!

November 7th, 2014

The New Challengers launches today! Interested in trying out the Pendulum Summoned powered Qliphorts? Or perhaps you’re looking to power up a current Deck like Burning Abyss, Shaddolls, Yang Zing, or Satellarknights? Either way, The New Challengers has you covered!

The Price of Victory!

November 6th, 2014

The New Challengers introduces the latest addition to the Solemn series of Trap Cards: Solemn Scolding! Solemn Scolding will stop any Summon, Spell Card, Trap Card, or Monster Effect… for a price. Read more…

Fusion at the Speed of Dark!

November 5th, 2014

Earlier, we talked about the Shaddoll Fusion Monsters you’ll be able to find in The New Challengers. Aside from those 2 monsters, Shaddoll Decks will have a new Spell to play with that gives you the ability to Fusion Summon on your opponent’s turn! Check out El Shaddoll Fusion! Read more…

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