Pairings: Top 16
We are down to the Top 16, here is how they are Paired.
Out of 1716 Duelists, only 32 remain! New York’s Lenard Hill is piloting Mermails, and he’s up against Missouri’s Qi Hong Li with Mythic Dragon Rulers. Most of the other Mermail and Mythic Ruler Decks have been eliminated from the tournament, so this appears to be a Match of the underdogs!
We are in our second round after the cut to 64 players, here are the Pairings for the Top 32.
Here are the Standings at the end of swiss rounds here on Day 2 at the North American World Championship Qualifier here in Detroit.
13-year-old James Gilmore from Anaheim, California is Dueling against 12-year-old Andrew Fruend from St. Louis, Missouri in this Dragon Duel Top 8 Feature Match! Gilmore is the last Evilswarm Duelist left in the Dragon Duels, and is looking to take his Deck to the very top. But Fruend won’t make that easy for him – Fruend is using a Madolche Deck that’s capable of some quick victories. Only one of these Duelists will advance to the Top 4, where he will be just a single victory away from competing in the 2014 Dragon Duel World Championship. It’s time to Duel!
Only 8 Dragon Duelists remain! This Match pits Oklahoma’s George Sacco against Illinois’s Dominic Couch. Sacco is using the returned-to-glory Deck, Lightsworn. He’s opted to use triple Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden, a card most Duelists use only one copy of. Minerva gives extra Graveyard filling, while also searching out Sacco’s LIGHT Dragons. Couch is packing Mermails today, featuring Genex Undine in his Deck. With Undine and Genex Controller, his Deck has access to a lot of Synchros and Xyz for different situations.
We’re ready to begin the second day of competition with Round 10! Here are your top twenty Duelists as we begin.
12-year-old Jonathan Reed from Monument, Colorado made it to the Top 32 of the North American Dragon Duel World Championship Qualifier with his Gimmick Puppet Deck! Now he’s Dueling against 13-year-old Guerino Bartello from Springfield, Illinois in a Feature Match that will determine which Duelist advances to the Top 16! Jonathan Reed’s Gimmick Puppet Deck can do a lot of cool things and Summon monsters with high ranks; but Bartello’s Geargia strategy is tried and true. Who will come out ahead? We’re about to find out. It’s time to Duel!
Redemption! Pasquale Crociata may have gotten crushed in his Feature Match yesterday, but he’s back for another shot with his Frogs! He’s got to get through Francesco Guzzo, one of the few remaining Hieratic Duelists in the tournament! While it may seem odd to compare Frogs with Dragons, both Decks are capable of throwing down huge plays in a single turn, so this Match could be over very quickly!
Collin Paolacci from Ohio and Christopher Nelson from Maryland are no longer in contention for a Day 2 finish. But that’s not going to stop them from playing the final round in Day 1 of the World Championship Qualifier! Both of them have never entered a YCS or a WCQ before, and they want to make their first WCQ experience last for as long as possible. They’re here to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, and that’s what they’ll do! Now they’re battling it out to the end in this Round 9 Feature Match! It’s time to Duel!