Juan Carlos Coronel, together with his younger brother and father, traveled from Guadalajara to attend the Central American World Championship Qualifier, after the Mexican National Championship, with Juan attending as the Mexican Dragon Duel Champion, and his father as Mexican National Champion. He is our newest Central American Dragon Duel Champion and will be representing all of Central America, and Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. at the 2015 Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME World Championship in Kyoto, Japan.
Congratulations to Juan, and we will see you in Kyoto in August!
This was it! One month ago, Juan Carlos Coronel and Daniel Isai Coronel sat across from each other at a tournament table much like this one, as they Dueled for the title of National Dragon Duel Champion of Mexico! Juan Carlos emerged victorious in that Match to take the title, but now his little brother was back and gunning for the Central American Dragon Duel Champion title. Juan Carlos is playing Nekroz. Daniel is playing Burning Abyss. Two brothers, once again facing off for a Championship. We’ve never seen anything like this before! Juan Carlos chose to play second in the first Duel.
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Yesterday we introduced you to the Coronels, a family of three Duelists that between them hold the Mexican National Championship, the Mexican Dragon Duel Championship, and the Dragon Duel 2nd Place title. We also featured the patriarch of the family, National Champion Juan Carlos Coronel in our Round 3 Feature Match, where he triumphed over Shaddolls in a 2-1 victory. Read more…
Here are the Top 4 Dragon Duelists that will be returning tomorrow to compete for the Central American Dragon Duel Champion title, and represent Central America in Kyoto, Japan at the 2015 Dragon Duel World Championship!
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A total of 599 Duelists are vying to become the Central American Champion this weekend. The following countries are represented: Costa Rica (10), Guatemala (4), Honduras (1), El Salvador (3), Nicaragua (1), Dominican Republic (2), Panama (5), and Trinidad & Tobago (4), who had to travel over 11 hours to get here, with the remainder from Mexico! Read more…