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2015 Central American WCQ tagged with 'Top 8'

Meet our new Champions of South America!!

July 5th, 2015

After two grueling days of Dueling, we have two new Champions! Read more…

Top 8 Feature Match: Jose Felix Maldonado Garrido (Burning Abyss) Versus Christian Pavel Padilla Albores (Nekroz)

June 21st, 2015

Eight Duelists remain in the tournament, competing for the title of Central American Champion and a seat at the World Championship!  Jose Felix Maldonado Garrido is the last Burning Abyss player in contention, the last survivor amongst a field of Nekroz and Shaddolls.  His opponent this round is Nekroz Duelist Christian Pavel Padilla Albores.  Could Burning Abyss survive another Round?

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Top 8 pairings (and results)!

June 21st, 2015

Here are the Top 8 pairings at the Central American World Championship Qualifier.

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