North America WCQ: Dragon Duel Final Standings
Here are the final standings for the Dragon Duel event at the North America World Championship Qualifier. Congratulations to all Dragon Duelists!
Here are the final standings for the Dragon Duel event at the North America World Championship Qualifier. Congratulations to all Dragon Duelists!
Congratulations Gabriel Vargas – winner of the 2018 North America World Championship Qualifier!
The 2018 North America WCQ is finished, and we have our team for the 2018 World Championship!
Congratulations to the Top 4 Duelists of the 2018 North America WCQ!
Take a look at the winner of the Public Events Random Playoff here at the 2018 North America WCQ!
Take a look at the winners of the 3 vs. 3 Tournament at the 2018 North America WCQ!
Congratulations to our winner of the Public Event Points Playoff!
Paul Silverman from Connecticut won a Super Rare Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker with his True Draco Deck!
Check out the winners of Sunday’s ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARDS!! Tournament at the 2018 North America WCQ!
Today’s Dragon Duel tournament gave young Duelists a first opportunity to qualify for next year’s Dragon Duel World Championship Qualifier. Check out the top 4 Duelists of today’s Dragon Duel Public Event. All of them are now qualified to compete in the 2019 Dragon Duel World Championship Qualifier!
Congrats to the Top 4 Duelists of the North America WCQ, who have earned invitations to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME World Championship in Japan next month! They are still playing for prizing and the title of WCQ Champion – here are the current standings the pairings for the Semifinal matches!