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2010 United States WCQ

Post-Event Wrap-Up of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG United States World Championship Qualifier

August 2nd, 2010

Top 32 Decklists!

July 19th, 2010

Here are the Top 32 Decklists from the United States WCQ

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Categories: 2010 United States WCQ > Championships Tags:

Feature Match: Dragon Duel Finals

July 11th, 2010

Jack Hoyt and Brandon Miotke are both running X-Sabers in today’s Dragon Duels. They fought through 5 rounds of swiss and 2 rounds of elimination to make it into the finals here. Hoyt went completely undefeated, while Miotke has one loss from the swiss rounds. You may remember Brandon Miotke as the winner of previous Dragon Duels, including the Dragon Duel in New Jersey that awarded him a Dark End Dragon prize card. But Jack Hoyt is a rising star, sure to make this a memorable Match.

The winner here will be awarded a free trip to Japan, to attend Jump Festa, the huge SHONEN JUMP convention. So both Duelists will definitely be giving it their all!

Dragon Duel Finals

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United States WCQ Top 4 Finalists

July 11th, 2010

Congratulations to the top 4 finalists! These Duelists will now have the opportunity to represent the U.S.A. at the World Championship next month in Long Beach, California.

From left to right: Vincent Pagila, Chris Arantes (2nd place), Sean Montague (1st place), and Daniel Lamartina:

Top Finalists

Final Round Feature Match: Chris Arantes vs. Sean Montague

July 11th, 2010

This was the final Match of the 2010 WCQ tournament season! Both of these Duelists had won Dark End Dragons, both had won Darklord prize card sets, and both were headed to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG World Championship! But there was one last prize to be decided – the title of 2010 U.S. National Champion! X-Sabers versus X-Sabers in the Finals of the U.S. World Championship Qualifier! Read more…

LIVE Results: Final Round

July 11th, 2010

From 1155 Duelists, just 2 remain! Chris Arantes and Sean Montague will both attend the World Championship next month, along with Daniel LaMartina and Vincent Pagila.

All that’s left is to see whether Arantes or Montague will be the 2010 U.S. National Champion!

Chris Arantes (X-Sabers)
Sean Montague (X-Sabers)
Sean Montague wins and is the 2010 U.S. National Champion

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Categories: 2010 United States WCQ > Championships Tags:

Costume Profile: Emily Nelsen’s Akiza Costume

July 11th, 2010

As the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series and tournaments like this weekend’s WCQ keep growing, more and more Yu-Gi-Oh! fans are becoming part of these big-event experiences. One part of that trend is costumes – Duelists dressing like their favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! characters. It’s not a common sight yet, but little by little, dedicated costumed Duelists are beginning to appear at the biggest tournaments.

Emily Nelsen is one example. She first turned heads at YCS Chicago when she appeared in her full Akiza costume. She reprised that role this weekend, wowing 5D’s fans and competitive Duelists alike. Naturally we had to talk to her, and she graciously obliged.

Emily Nelsen

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QQ: Favorites in HA2?

July 11th, 2010

With the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Duel Terminals here today firing out Duel Terminal Volume 2 cards non-stop, there’s been a lot of discussion about Hidden Arsenal 2. It will have some great cards for Decks like Flamvell, Mist Valley, and Genex, plus new monster themes like the Fableds, Jurracs, and Naturias. With such a wide variety of cards, we were compelled to ask Duelists in attendance today about their favorite card from Hidden Arsenal 2! Read more…

QQ: Favorite in TU3?

July 11th, 2010

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The list of cards in Turbo Pack: Booster Three has finally been released and it’s a big hit here in Minnesota! I asked a bunch of Duelists what their favorite card from Turbo Pack 3 is. Check out some of the responses. Read more…

Top 4 Feature Match: Chris Arantes vs. Daniel LaMartina

July 11th, 2010

Both Chris Arantes and Daniel LaMartina have made it to the Top 4 of the World Championship Qualifier and will be representing the United States in the 2010 Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship. But now, they were competing against one another for additional prizes and the title of 2010 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG U.S. National Champion. Read more…

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Categories: 2010 United States WCQ > Championships Tags: