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2016 Central American WCQ

Here are the Standings after Round 6 of the Central America WCQ

June 11th, 2016

Here are the Standings after Round 6 of the Central America World Championship Qualifier:

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Round 6 Feature Match: Irving Camiruaga Gil Versus Ivan Omar Hernandez Orta

June 11th, 2016

So far we’ve Feature Matched last year’s Central American and Dragon Duel Champions, a National Champion, and a YCS Champion.  With three Rounds of competition left in Day 1, how about some fresh faces?

We grabbed Irving Camiruaga Gil and Ivan Omar Hernandez Orta right off Table 1, currently the highest-ranked Duelists in the tournament.  Gil is from Mexico City and is running Pendulum Magicians, while Orta is from San Luis Potosi piloting Burning Knights.

Both competitors are doing exceedingly well with undefeated records, but in just a few minutes only one of those records would still be intact. Let’s find out which one makes it.

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Here are the standings after Round 5 of the Central America WCQ

June 11th, 2016

Here are the player standings after Round 5:

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Round 5 Feature Match: Alejandro Garcia Moreno Versus Juan Israel Galvez Vallejo

June 11th, 2016

Alejandro Garcia Moreno won the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series in San Jose, Costa Rica earlier this year, and now he’s looking to add a second title to his list of accomplishments.

His opponent is Juan Israel Galvez Valleojo, from Celaya in Guanajuato, Mexico.  He’s piloting Burning Knights  against Moreno’s Fire King Kozmos – the first Fire King Kozmo deck we’ve seen in the tournament so far.

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Here are the standings after Round 4 of the Central America WCQ

June 11th, 2016

Here are the standings after Round 4 of the Central America WCQ

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The WCQ Metagame Breakdown

June 11th, 2016

We’re taking a break from Feature Matches here in Round 4 to get caught up, grab some

lunch, and get you the breakdown of every Deck played in this tournament!

After late registrations into the World Championship Qualifier we ended up with 591

Duelists competing for the Championship. What were they playing? That’s what we

wanted to know, so we found out what the WCQ metagame looks like here in Day 1.

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Check Out The New Win-A-Mat!

June 11th, 2016

Amongst the festivities here this weekend, a new Win-A-Mat exclusive game mat is making its debut!  Check out the latest Win-A-Mat prize, featuring Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and the Dark Duelist himself, Yuto.

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Round 3 Feature Match: Gerald Yagans South Chaves Versus Oscar Gilberto Vigil Tenorio

June 11th, 2016

National, Dragon Duel, and YCS Champions have VIP access in the WCQ here this weekend, and one of the perks of that status was a two-round bye.  Gerald Yagans South Chaves is coming into the tournament fresh into Round 3 with two automatic wins, representing his home of Costa Rica, as the National Champion.

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The WCQ Trophies Are Totally Lit! (Literally)

June 11th, 2016

We’ve got a little downtime before Round 3 kicks off!

The VIP Champions in attendance here this weekend will enter the tournament momentarily thanks to their two rounds of free byes, but before they do, let’s take a look at this year’s World Championship Qualifier trophies.


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Round 2 Feature Match: Nahum Heredia Estrada Versus Juan Carlos Coronel Contreras

June 11th, 2016

Juan Carlos Coronel Contreras is a familiar face here at the Feature Match table: you might remember him from our coverage last year, where he won the 2015 Central American Dragon Duel Championship.  Hailing from right here in Guadalajara, Contreras competed to represent Central America in the Dragon Duel Championship in Japan last year.  This year, since he was born in 2002, he’s competing in the Main Event!

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