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Extravaganzas tagged with 'Kashtira'

Top 16 Feature Match: Emmanuel Lilly vs. Leonardo Sacchetti

July 30th, 2023

The Remote Duel Extravaganza is nearing its finale – we’re down to the Top 16 Duelists! Only one can earn the set of Ultra Rare Prize Cards: Darklord Asmodeus, Darklord Superbia, and Darklord Edeh Arae!

To kick things off, we’re back with Emmanuel Lilly and his Generaider Deck! This New York Duelist won his Round 5 Feature Match yesterday, and he’s returned to show off this unique strategy. His opponent is Leonardo Sacchetti, from Italy, playing Kashtira. It’s the most popular Deck for a reason, with a lot of powerful monsters and consistent combos. Will Kashtira be able to overcome the wall of disruption created by the Generaiders?

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Round 3 Feature Match: Carlos Pecina vs. Jose Lopez Zambrano

July 29th, 2023

We’re in Round 3 of the Main Event, with another Feature Match! Carlos Pecina is from Houston, TX, using an Adventure Synchron Deck featuring the new Revolution Synchron! His opponent is Jose Lopez Zambrano, from New York, using Kashtira!

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