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Speed Duel

July 2024 Speed Duel Events Only Forbidden & Limited List

July 9th, 2024

Attention Speed Duelists! On July 9th, we will implement an updated events-only Forbidden & Limited List, which will be used for the following:

  • All Speed Duel Public Events being held at the 2024 North American World Championship Qualifier (July 19th – 21st)
  • All Speed Duel Public Events on or after July 19th   
  • All Speed Duel Main Events on or after July 19th  
  • Official Tournament Stores may use the list for their local Speed Duel tournaments starting July 9th
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January 2024 Speed Duel Events-only Limited List

January 10th, 2024

Attention Speed Duelists! On January 10th we will implement an updated events-only Forbidden & Limited List, which will be used for the following: 

  • All Speed Duel Public Events being held at the January Latin America Remote YCS (January 27th-28th
  • All Speed Duel Public Events on or after January 27th  
  • All Speed Duel Main Events on or after January 27th  
  • Official Tournament Stores may use the list for their local Speed Duel tournaments starting January 10th.  
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September 2023 Speed Duel Events-only Limited List

September 13th, 2023

Attention Speed Duelists! On September 30th, we will implement an updated events-only Limited List for all Speed Duel Public Events being held at the September North America Remote Duel Main Event.*

The Limited List is legal on the weekend of September 30th and at future Tier 3 events. Duelists must comply with the list if they wish to participate in Speed Duel Public Events or the Speed Duel Main Event.  

Official Tournament Stores can also use the list for their local Speed Duel tournaments. 

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Skill Card Text Update for Speed Duel Tournament Pack 6

August 30th, 2023

Attention Speed Duelists! Speed Duel Tournament Pack 6 is set to be released on September 6th. It’s full of terrific reprints you may need additional copies of and upgraded rarities to some of the strongest cards from Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox and Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows. It also includes 5 returning Skill Cards to add to your collection.

Today we’re announcing that 4 of the 5 Skill Cards in Speed Duel Tournament Pack 6 will receive card text updates. These Skill Cards are being clarified, simplified, and/or modified to work within the updated Skill Card rules introduced with the Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box.

Skill Card Text Update

The following Skill Cards’ text has been updated to the following text.
These changes are effective immediately as of today, August 30th, 2023.

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What Else Is in Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows?

April 14th, 2023

If you read this far to Part 5 of our reviews, you’ve seen all 16 Skill Cards for the 8 featured characters in Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows, as well as their pre-built Duel Decks. But that’s not all you’ll find in the box!

There are more Skills, more support cards, and just generally fantastic cards that can help get you ready for competition, as well as those 24 Secret Rare variants! Today we’ll take you through everything else you’ll find in Duelists of Shadows, starting with the 4 remaining Skills.

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Helios Hype and A Cloudian Craze in Speed Duel Gx: Duelists of Shadows

April 13th, 2023

Yesterday, we showed you Shadow Rider Tania’s Amazoness Deck, and Shadow Rider Titan’s Archfiends, both playable out of the box in Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows. Those were two old-school strategies that got a new lease on life in Speed Duel.

Well get ready, because it gets even crazier. There are two more characters with pre-built Decks in Duelists of Shadows, and they’re both repping strategies that never really saw play until now: Shadow Rider Amnael’s Alchemy Deck, featuring Helios – The Primordial Sun and Golden Homunculus; and Adrian Gecko’s Cloudians. Both Decks get a big makeover for their Speed Duel debut, and both use Skill Cards to do things that would be totally impossible otherwise!

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April 2023 Speed Duel Events-only Limited List

April 12th, 2023

Attention Speed Duelists! On April 22nd, we will implement an updated events-only Limited List for all Speed Duel Public Events being held at the April North American Remote Duel Main Event.

The Limited List is legal on the weekend of April 22nd and at future Tier 3 events.
Duelists must comply with the list if they wish to participate in Speed Duel Public Events or the Speed Duel Main Event.

Official Tournament Stores may also use the list for their local Speed Duel tournaments.

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Amazons and Archfiends Arrive in Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows

April 12th, 2023

In Part 2, we looked at our first pair of Shadow Rider characters making their debut in Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows: Nightshroud and Camula. Here in part 3, we’ll look at two more: Shadow Rider Tania and Shadow Rider Titan. While our first pair get pre-built Decks in Duelists of Shadows that revolve around huge, old-school boss monsters, Tania and Titan’s strategies focus on more mid-range monsters with abilities that make them a nightmare to deal with.

One of the cool things about Duelists of Shadows is that it takes some fan-favorite strategies from the past and then gives them Skill Cards that make them more competitive. In this case we’re talking about Amazons and Archfiends, two throwback themes that earned a place in our hearts…even if they never did well in tournaments.

If you’ve ever dreamed of seriously smashing your opponent with either of these two strategies, Duelists of Shadows can make those dreams into reality. Here’s how they work.

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Bringing Some Structure to Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows

April 11th, 2023

Yesterday we introduced you to the Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows box, and we talked about the Decks and Skill Cards for two of the main characters: alter ego Supreme King Jaden and former Duel Academy chairman Kagemaru. Eight characters have pre-built Decks in Duelists of Shadows, and 5 of them are Shadow Riders. The remaining 2 Shadow Riders are also getting Skill Cards, with many of their cards appearing in the extra additional cards included in Duelists of Shadows.

Today we’re looking at two of the Shadow Riders with full Decks: Nightshroud and Camula. Old school Duel fans may remember that this duo played Decks that echoed a pair of real-world releases in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Nightshroud’s Dragon Deck featured cards from Structure Deck: Dragon’s Roar, while Camula’s Vampire Deck played picks from Structure Deck: Zombie Madness. That’s right: these two devious Duelists piloted Decks that looked a lot like the first two Structure Decks in Yu-Gi-Oh! history, dating all the way back to 2005!

Fast forward to today and the Duelists of Shadows box comes with two pre-built Decks that modernize those old Structure Decks, with new cards and new Skills that make them fiercer than ever. Those Structure Decks never really made an impact in competitive Dueling, but the Speed Duel updates are a big step up. Here’s why.

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Dueling Gets Darker with Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows

April 10th, 2023

The Speed Duel: Battle City Box arrived a little over two years ago in December of 2020. Packed with more than 200 cards, it was loaded with new Skills and smash-hit Secret Rares and came with 8 Decks that were ready to play, right out of the box.  After a wait of a year and a half, we got the sequel, 2022’s Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box, the first Speed Duel release to introduce characters and cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. And the concept would evolve again just a few months later, with Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox bringing even more fan-favorite characters to Speed Duels.

And now, almost one year after the release of the Duel Academy Box, it’s time for another mega-sized Speed Duel release! Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows hit the streets on March 30th, ready to take Speed Duels to the next level with crazy new Skills, amazing Secret Rares, and lots of competitive cards revisited. Whether you love Speed Duel or you’re new to the format, Duelists of Shadows is packed with so much value that you won’t want to miss it.

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