. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2009/11 – Columbus, Ohio

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2009/11 – Columbus, Ohio

Post-Event Analysis for SHONEN JUMP Championship Columbus 2009

November 24th, 2009

Now that the dust has settled, we’ve asked our panel of experts to analyze and discuss the Feature Matches that came out of the 2009 Columbus SHONEN JUMP Championship.

Here’s a list of all the feature matches. You can also follow the new links at the bottom of each Feature Match, to go to the next one.

Round 1: Shane Davis vs. Manuel Perez
Round 2: Anthony Kelly vs. George Murray
Round 3: Chris Miller vs. Detrick Perry
Round 3: Zachary Bishop vs. Herman Herrera
Round 4: Tom Curry vs. Cody Miller
Round 5: Patrick Older vs. Robert Vissa
Round 6: Phil Chieng vs. Vincent Ralambomiadana
Round 7: Steffon Bizzel vs. Paul Squires
Round 8: Dale Bellido vs. George Murray
Round 9: Jason Holloway vs. Ryan Spicer
Round 10: Satoshi Kato vs. Yahya Omar
Top 16: Ivan Anamaria vs. Brian Hines
Top 16: Desmond Brown vs. Nicky Lacaille
Quarterfinals: Sean McCabe vs. Vincent Ralambomiadana
Quarterfinals: Marquis Johnson vs. George Murray
Semi-Finals: George Murray vs. Vincent Ralambomiadana
Semi-Finals: Desmond Brown vs. Kevin Slapnik
Final Round: Vincent Ralmbomiadana vs. Kevin Slapnik
3rd Place Play-Off: Desmond Brown vs. George Murray
Side Events Play-Off: Ryan Newburn vs. Sorosh Saberian

Check back here on January 9, 2010, for live coverage of the SHONEN JUMP Championship in Los Angeles, California.

Until then, don’t forget to attend and compete at regional and local tournaments near you! You can find a list of fun activities and events HERE.

Desmond Brown vs. George Murray

Feature Match: Side Event Playoffs – Ryan Newburn vs. Sorosh Saberian

November 16th, 2009

Ryan Newburn finished in third place at the 2009 U.S. National Championship, then went on to represent the United States at the World Championship. His opponent in this match is Sorosh Saberian, fourth place finisher at SHONEN JUMP Championship Toronto. Read more…

3rd Place Feature Match: Desmond Brown vs. George Murray

November 15th, 2009

The playoffs for 3rd place would pit George Murray’s Blackwing Deck against Desmond Brown’s Destiny Hero Zombie Deck. This was a common match-up in today’s tournament and the result here may help to define the future tournament scene. Read more…

Columbus ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD 2!! Winner

November 15th, 2009

Andrew Fredella has won ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD 2!! in Columbus. He chose the “Guardian Eatos” card and displays it proudly here.


Finals Feature Match: Vincent Ralmbomiadana vs. Kevin Slapnik

November 15th, 2009

Only one Round remained in this tournament, and now the French 2008 National Champion would Duel Ohio’s own Kevin Slapnik. The match-up was Twilight versus Destiny Hero Zombies. Both competitors would win their copy of “Dark End Dragon” as a reward for getting to the final table, but the winner here would walk away with even more prizes and the glory of a SHONEN JUMP Championship title. Read more…

Semi-Finals Feature Match: Desmond Brown vs. Kevin Slapnik

November 15th, 2009

Both Desmond Brown and Kevin Slapnik were running Destiny Hero Zombie Decks in this match-up. Read more…

Semi-Finals Feature Match: George Murray vs. Vincent Ralambomiadana

November 15th, 2009

Only 4 Duelists remained at this point in the tournament, and whoever won this match would move to the Final Match and was guaranteed a copy of the SHONEN JUMP Championship prize card “Dark End Dragon.” The other Duelist would play off for third place and a shot at their own “Dark End Dragon,” but defeat there would mean no prize card. Vincent Ralambomiadana was playing his French Twilight Deck, while George Murray was running Blackwings. Read more…

Top 8 Feature Match: Marquis Johnson vs. George Murray

November 15th, 2009

George Murray, 23 years old, came here from Missouri and made it to Top 8 with his Blackwing Deck. Marquis Johnson, age 16, came from Maryland and his here today with his Destiny Hero Zombie Deck. Read more…

Vincent Ralambomiadana wins with his French Twilight Deck!

November 15th, 2009

The Final Round is over!

Vincent Ralambomiadana has defeated Kevin Slapnik to come out on top of this 803-Duelist tournament to win the grand prize!


Top 8 Feature Match: Sean McCabe vs. Vincent Ralambomiadana

November 15th, 2009

Sean McCabe is playing Lightsworn, while Vincent Ralambomiadana is running French Twilight. This makes for two Lightsworn-based Decks, but two very different strategies, facing off here in the Top 8. The winner of this match will move on to the Top 4, with a 3-in-4 chance at walking away today with a copy of Dark End Dragon. The other Duelist will go no further today. Read more…