QQ stands for Quick Questions! High-Speed Riders was just released yesterday in North America, but its cards are quickly racing onto the tournaments scene! I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which card in High-Speed Riders is their favorite. Check out their response!
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German Duelist Benedikt Junk is undefeated in today’s tournament. He’s playing Scraps, and his name is “Junk”. And that’s amazing.
But his opponent is Jaad Chehab from Waltham Massachusetts, who’s ironically a well-recognized Scrap Duelist himself! Mirror Match? Not even close! Chehab is actually playing Evols this weekend. I don’t know if we’ve ever seen this match-up before!
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Lamar Curtis made the trip here from Brooklyn, New York with his HERO Deck. His opponent is Braden Farrow, who came from Warwick, Rhode Island with Machina Gadgets and is playing in his first YCS event! Each Duelist has one win under his belt, but only one can move on undefeated!
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I, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, am back! After months of plotting, I have at last exerted my influence over the Forbidden & Limited List, in preparation for this exact moment! Enemies of the Dark World have been crushed, while I, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World stand strong with my entire Dark World army! And now, Michael Pramawat, is paving the way for another victory for the Dark World. He defeated 7 out of his 8 opponents yesterday, and will not allow another win to slip by him! The battle against James Kenzie is about to begin!
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Dragon Duels are a tournament series that are open only to players age 12 & under. At this weekend’s Dragon Duels, about 50 Dragon Duelists competed to win Game Mats, card binders, and other cool stuff, plus one special, awesome prize: a copy of the Championship Prize Card Dark End Dragon!
At the end of the day, the tournament came down to two finalists: Brandon Miotke from Michigan and Jared Centamore from New Jersey, a pair of 12 year-old Duelists who have each won Dragon Duel tournaments in the past. When the dust settled, Miotke had emerged victorious. Here’s a card-by-card report on their exciting Duel to determine this weekend’s champion!

(If you’re 12 years old or younger, and you want to play in a Dragon Duel championship yourself, you can find them at any Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event. Check the Events Calendar and be on the lookout for a Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series coming near you!) Read more…
The main event has concluded, and Jeff Jones has won out over 2,174 other Duelists to win the 75th SHONEN JUMP Championship Tournament, with his Quickdraw Dandywarrior Deck!

Renaldo Lainez is the surprise success of the weekend, Dueling his way to the Finals with a Gadget Deck that doesn’t run any Machina monsters. Instead it plays Doomcaliber Knight, a card played in multiples in 2 of the Top 4 Decks. “People like surprises,” remarked Lainez. “I think it’s a good way to end it, don’t you think?” Lainez himself was a tremendous surprise, coming out of nowhere to defeat some of the greatest Duelists of the weekend.
His opponent is Jeff Jones, the most successful Quickdraw Dandywarrior Duelist of the weekend! Jones has made Day 2 at 5 SHONEN JUMP Championships, and won his first victory one year ago at SHONEN JUMP Championship Anaheim, winning the first Dark End Dragon prize card. Read more…
Jessy Samek and Igor Martins both participated in several side events this weekend, racking up enough points to earn the right to compete for a Dark End Dragon in the side events playoff. Now, they’ve each made it to the final round and are competing against one another with their Quickdraw Dandywarrior Decks. The winner here will take home that prized card. Read more…
There were 7 Tin Challenge Side Events held throughout this weekend. In each Tin Challenge, competitors received one Ancient Fairy Dragon or Power Tool Dragon Tin and constructed a Deck out of the packs inside, plus 2 packs of Raging Battle and and 1 pack of Duelist Pack – Yusei 2. Each Tin Challenge Side Event had one winner, and then all 7 winners competed in a tournament for a Dark End Dragon. Joshua Korovesi and Michael Nguyen are the final two competitors of this tournament, now facing off for their chance to take home a Dark End Dragon. Read more…