Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational – Winter 2017: And the Winner is…
After beating 271 Duelists in Las Vegas, the newest Ultimate Duelist is…
After beating 271 Duelists in Las Vegas, the newest Ultimate Duelist is…
And we’re finally down to the Final Match!
Here are the pairings of the final four Duelists left in the Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational – Winter 2017!
Here are the four Duelists advancing to the final four after battling it out in Single Elimination!
We’re down to only eight Duelists! All of these Duelists have earned an Ultra Rare SJC Prize Card Dark End Dragon, and the exclusive UDS game mat featuring Blue-Eyes White Dragon. But that’s not all for these Duelists! Here are the next matchups.
The first round of Single Elimination has concluded, and we have our Top 8 Duelists!
Here are your Sunday Dragon Duelists! We have, from left to right, Mark Garcia (1st), Kierane Savage (2nd), Emilia Williams (3rd), and Perry Williams (4th). Congratulations, Dragon Duelists!
Congratulations to Sunday’s Generation Duel Top 4! From left to right, we have Harold Miller (1st, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V), Sergio Gutierrez (2nd, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX), Jesus Fraire (3rd, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V), and Abraham Romero (4th, Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL).
The Top 16 is underway! Here’s a look at some of your top placing Duelists in the Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational – Winter 2017.
Out of all the qualifying Duelists, we are now down to just the Top 16! Here are the standings, Decks, and pairings.