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World Qualifying Points

Last Chance Dragon Duel

July 7th, 2023

There’s one last Dragon Duel event before tomorrow’s main event! Here are today’s Dragon Duelists!

World Qualifying Points for the 2021-2022 Organized Play Season

November 3rd, 2021

As Organized Play begins to resume for the 2021-2022 season, we have some exciting news for you about World Qualifying Points (WQP)! You’ve had a lot of questions about what to expect as this year starts to wind down, so let’s talk about WQP.

World Qualifying Points…what were those again?

We introduced World Qualifying Points (WQP) as an additional path to the World Championship in 2017. This program offered dedicated Duelists an opportunity to earn enough points to compete in a playoff for an invite to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) World Championship.

  • WQP could be earned at any events which awarded invites to a World Championship Qualifier (WCQ).
    • Regional Qualifiers, Dragon Duels, OTS Championships, Nationals, or Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (YCS) all awarded WQP.
  • Duelists watched a leaderboard to see how their WQP totals matched up against others in their territories.
  • Top-placed Duelists were invited to a World Qualifying Points playoff, usually held at their WCQ.

RIGHT! I remember now. So, what’s happening to Word Qualifying Points for 2022

Duelists have been anxious to know what will happen to the points they earned during the 2019-2020 Organized Play season!
Here’s what you need to know:

  • All WQP earned during the 2019-2020 Organized Play season will carry forward for 2021-2022.
  • That means any points you have accumulated will now count towards a World Qualifying Point Playoff at your 2022 World Championship Qualifier.
  • This applies to Duelists in all territories (KDE-US and KDE-E).
    • Just as before, the number of Duelists qualifying for this playoff will vary based on territory.
    • We will have more information on scheduling for these events soon.

You don’t need to worry about losing the WQP earned prior to the suspension of in-person play.  KDE-E and KDE-US will both roll all WQP earned in the 2019-2020 season over to the 2021-2022 season.

Will I be able to earn World Qualifying Points during the 2021-2022 Organized Play season?

This is a complex issue to manage, as we need to focus on the health and safety of our Duelists while providing them with the Organized Play events they enjoy. Since situations are different in different territories, the approach to earning WQP is also different according to territory.
Make sure you are reading the information for your territory.
Here’s how this will work:


  • Territories for KDE-US are North America and Latin America.
  • Duelists in these territories can earn WQP by competing in Remote Duel Regional Qualifiers.
    • This will begin with the BODE Regional season.
  • WQP will not be awarded at in-person Regional Qualifiers.
  • WQP will be awarded at Remote Duel YCS, starting with the December 2021 Remote Duel YCS
  • WQP will not be awarded at in-person YCS.


  • Territories for KDE-E are Europe (this includes Africa and the Middle East) and Oceania
  • These territories will not be offering Remote Duel Regionals, therefore no new WQP will be awarded for the 2021-2022 Organized Play season.
  • WQP will not be awarded at in-person Regional Qualifiers.
  • WQP will not be awarded at YCS
    • Remote Duel YCS will not award WQP
    • In-person YCS will not award WQP.
  • The current standings based on the 2019-2020 Organized Play season will be the final list for the WQP playoffs at the appropriate WCQ.

Why can’t I earn WQP at in-person events?

Travel, travel and MORE travel was the reliable way to earn WQP in previous years – Duelists who could attend as many events as possible and finish near the top of the standings for these events earned the most points.
We all know things are somewhat different now; and we do not want to put anyone in the situation where they feel like they have no choice but to travel.

  • While we do look forward to welcoming Duelists back to in-person events if they feel safe in participating, limiting WQP to Remote Duel removes pressure
  • By awarding WQP only for Remote Duel Regionals, Duelists can still earn WQP
  • Current WQP leaders will not be pressured to travel in order to maintain their ranking
  • Different states/provinces, countries, etc. have different types of limitations imposed on travel and crowds – by removing WQP from in-person events, Duelists living in areas with more restrictions are not placed at a disadvantage

When will we be able to see our points from 2019-2020?

We are working on information for the rest of the 2021-2022 Organized Play season and we are looking forward to sharing it with you! Expect news for events (both Remote Duel and in-person) later in the year, along with the WQP leaderboard and 2022 WCQ Invite lists.

OH! One last thing – what about my WCQ invite for 2020? Will that carry over too?

Yes, it will! If you earned an invite for your WCQ in 2020 don’t worry – it will be good for 2022.

If you did not get the chance to earn an invite for 2020 make sure to watch the Regional Qualifier schedules for your territory – you will soon have the chance to try for an invite for 2022! We hope you’re looking forward to Regionals, YCS, and other tournaments as we prepare for them, be they Remote Duel or otherwise, and we are excited to see you back again!

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