Round 1 Feature Match: David Sanz vs. Gustavo Lattari
Welcome to Round 1 of YCS Secaucus! For this Round 1 Feature Match, we’ve got David Sanz, from New York. He’s playing an Altergeist Deck, recently improved with the addition of Altergeist Multifaker from Flames of Destruction. His opponent is Gustavo Lattari, who traveled here from Orlando, but is originally from Brazil. He’s using True Draco, updated to keep up with the newest Forbidden & Limited List by playing Metaltron XII, the True Dracombatant! With Metaltron, he can create a nearly indestructible monster which replaces itself with Naturia Exterio or Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. He’s also using Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite, which makes for an easy Tribute as well as a way to bounce cards like Dragonic Diagram to his hand for a second use.