. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2010/05 – Washington, DC

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2010/05 – Washington, DC

Top 16 Feature Match: Nick Anderson vs. Steven Harris

May 16th, 2010

This is the first Infernity mirror match we’ve had as a feature! Both of these Duelists are playing Infernities, so not only is it anybody’s game, but each Duel could end on any given turn! Read more…

Top 16 Feature Match: Robert Russo vs. Agustin Herrera

May 16th, 2010

Robert Russo is running X-Sabers and facing off against Agustin Herrera’s Synchro Cat Deck. A win here will bring one of these Duelists into the Top 8, one step closer to winning the 3 new prize cards. Read more…

Top 32 Feature Match: Danny Bassous vs. Russell LaParre

May 16th, 2010

Russell LaParre made it to the Top 32 with his Fairy Deck based around Herald of Perfection. His opponent, Danny Bassous, is playing Gladiator Beasts. This is a tough matchup for LaParre. A single Gladiator Beast War Chariot can completely shut him down, and the Thunder King Rai-Oh in Bassous’s Main Deck makes things even more difficult for LaParre. LaParre calls this his worst matchup – will he be able to overcome it? Read more…

Top 32 Feature Match: Jason Hoang vs. Mario Matheu

May 16th, 2010

Froggy Monarchs have done well both here, and at the SHONEN JUMP Championship in New Jersey, but Jason Hoang is playing the first Froggy Quickdraw Deck we’ve seen. He’s playing Ronintoaden from The Shining Darkness in his Main Deck, rounding out a creative strategy. Hoang finished the Swiss Rounds with an 8-2 record.

His opponent is former SHONEN JUMP Champion Mario Matheu. Matheu is 1 of the many X-Saber Duelists here in the Top 32, and he went 9-1 in the Swiss Rounds. He’s playing Compulsory Evacuation Device, creating some awesome combos that we’ll hopefully get to see in this Match. Read more…

Round 10 Feature Match: Joseph Parchman vs. George Velasquez

May 16th, 2010

George Velasquez is one of the Quickdraw Duelists at the top tables in this tournament. With Main Decked copies of D.D. Crow and plenty of Books of Moon, Velasquez has built his Deck to beat Infernities. So far, it seems to be working!

And that might be rough news for Joseph Parchman! Parchman is 8-1 here today with Infernities, and might have one of the better builds in the tournament. Raigeki Break seemed like a top choice for many Infernity Duelists headed into this event, but few actually seemed to run it when the time came. Parchman chose to include it in his Deck, destroying opposing cards that might stop his combo while thinning his hand. Will it be enough here? We were about to find out. Read more…

Round 10 Feature Match: Devin Djuricin vs. Andrew Fredella

May 16th, 2010

Going into Round 10, Devin Djuricin is undefeated with a 9-0 record. Andrew Fredella, however, is 8-1 and needs to win here to be guaranteed a spot in the Top 32. Djuricin is running a Frog Monarch Deck, while his opponent, Andrew Fredella, is running X-Sabers. Read more…

Top 32 Pairings

May 16th, 2010

The 10 Swiss Pair rounds are over, and we’ve moved on to the Single Elimination rounds! Here’s a list of the pairings from top to bottom, and info on what Decks they’re playing! Read more…

Who’s at the Top Tables: Round 10

May 16th, 2010

It’s the last Swiss Pair round of the tournament! The Top 32 players will be moving into the Single Elimination playoffs. Read more…

Deck Profile: Jeffrey Daniels’ Blackwing Deck

May 16th, 2010

Jeffrey Daniels finished Day 1 of the YCS in 34th place using his Blackwing Deck, using a copy of the latest Blackwing tech from The Shining Darkness: Blackwing – Breeze the Zephyr. He’s running a solid build, teched out with cards to counter the Decks he expected to face. Check out his list: Read more…

Round 9 Feature Match: Robert Ackerman Versus Mark Alan Johnson

May 16th, 2010

We have 2 more Rounds of Swiss competition this morning before we cut to the Top 32, and we’re starting our morning off with a Match that pits Infernities against Synchro Cat! While Mark Alan Johnson is piloting the OTK Deck of old, Robert Ackerman is running the most feared and unpredictable Deck of the weekend: Infernities. Ackerman has the best record of the North Eastern group of SHONEN JUMP Championship veterans piloting the Deck we Profiled yesterday. Since both competitors here had 7-1 records, the winner of this match would have a strong shot to make Top 32. Read more…