. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2010/06 – Chicago, Illinois

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2010/06 – Chicago, Illinois

Post-Event Wrap-Up of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Chicago, IL

July 8th, 2010

Now that the dust tornados have settled, you can read our post-event analysis of each Feature Match from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Chicago held last month. Here’s a match-by-match list:

Round 1 Feature Match: Rey Garza vs. Chris Schwarz

Round 1 Feature Match: Octavio Alvarez vs. Daniel McNally

Round 2 Feature Match: Karryon Dietrich vs. Vincent Hampton

Round 3 Feature Match: A.J. Searcy vs. Roy St. Clair

Round 4 Feature Match: Darelle Lewis vs. Skylar Schlutz

Round 5 Feature Match: Gabriel Shaket vs. Ryan Spicer

Round 5 Feature Match: Austin Kulman vs. Alex Vansant

Round 6 Feature Match: William Erker vs. David Sanville

Round 6 Feature Match: Nehemias Diaz vs. David Hopfensperger

Round 7 Feature Match: Mitchell Anderson vs. Stephano Zmirich

Round 8 Feature Match: Carolyn Colajezzi vs. Grant Kelly

Round 9 Feature Match: Luis Aldama vs. Andrew Lindskog

Round 10 Feature Match: Steven Kraml vs. Michael Lee

Round 10 Feature Match: Luis Aldama vs. Bobby Chambers

Top 32 Feature Match: Chris Duff vs. Agustin Herrera

Top 16 Feature Match: Dale Bellido vs. Jeff Jones

Top 16 Feature Match: Billy Brake vs. Ben Haynes

Top 8 Feature Match: Bobby Chambers vs. Gary Miotke

Top 8 Feature Match: Billy Brake vs. Agustin Herrera

Top 4 Feature Match: Omar Beldon vs. Gary Miotke

Final Round Feature Match: Omar Beldon vs. Billy Brake

Raffle Playoffs Feature Match: Edward Adams vs. Tyler Forrester

Raffle Playoffs Feature Match: Tyler Forrester vs. Daniel Turman

Feature Match: Saturday’s Dragon Duel Final

Feature Match: Sunday’s Dragon Duel Final

Be sure and watch the drama unfold this upcoming weekend, at the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG United States World Championship Qualifier in Minneapolis, MN.


Top 32 Decklists!

June 21st, 2010

Here are the Top 32 Decklists from the YCS!

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Feature Match: Sunday’s Dragon Duel Final

June 20th, 2010

Dragon Duels are for Duelists age 12 & under only, and are usually held on Saturdays and Sundays at  Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series tournaments.

Duelists who place near the top of a Dragon Duel event can get cool prizes like Regional Qualifier Game Mats, special card binders, and Dragon Duel T-Shirts. Here are our Top 4 finalists from Sunday’s event:

Dragon Duel Sunday

In the top Match of Sunday’s Dragon Duel, 12-year olds Jimmy Kenzie and Brandon Miotke, both from the Detroit area, were undefeated. Brandon’s dad got a Top 4 Feature Match in this week’s main event, and Brandon is following in his footsteps with a Feature Match in this final round of the Dragon Duels. Brandon Miotke is running a Chaos Deck, while Jimmy Kenzie is using Infernities. Read more…

Feature Match: Saturday’s Dragon Duel Final

June 20th, 2010

Dragon Duels are for Duelists age 12 & under only, and are usually held on Saturdays and Sundays at  Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series tournaments.

Duelists who place near the top of a Dragon Duel event can get cool prizes like Regional Qualifier Game Mats, special card binders, and Dragon Duel T-Shirts. Here are our Top 4 finalists from Saturday’s event:

Dragon Duel Saturday

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First-Time Competitors at YCS Chicago

June 20th, 2010

Everybody’s Dueling career has to start somewhere, and for dozens of Duelists here this weekend, that journey started today! We sat down to interview six of the many YCS First-Timers making their Championship-level debut this weekend to talk about their beginnings, their Decks, and their impressions of the YCS experience. Read more…

Raffle Playoffs Feature Match: Tyler Forrester vs. Daniel Turman

June 20th, 2010

As this Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship drew to a close, two Duelists remained in the Raffle Playoff event, and minutes from now, one of them would walk away from this table with a Super Rare set of Prize Cards! While Forrester was playing Infernities, Turman was running Gladiator Beasts. Read more…

Raffle Playoffs Feature Match: Edward Adams vs. Tyler Forrester

June 20th, 2010

At every Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship, four lucky Duelists who competed in Public Events over the weekend are randomly selected for the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to Duel in a 4-person Playoff, with the winner receiving a Super Rare set of the Darklord Prize Cards!

Edward Adams and Tyler Forrester were 2 of the lucky competitors this weekend. While Adams was playing a Lockdown Burn Deck, Forrester was running Infernities. Read more…

Omar Beldon wins YCS Chicago, 2010!

June 20th, 2010

In a field of 610 Duelists this weekend, Omar Beldon and his Infernity Deck have come out on top, winning this Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event!

Congratulations to the latest Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship winner!

Omar Beldon Wins YCS Chicago

Final Round Feature Match: Omar Beldon vs. Billy Brake

June 20th, 2010

Two Duelists remain in this tournament: Omar Beldon with Infernities, and Billy Brake with X-Sabers. In a matter of minutes we would have a new YCS Winner! Read more…

Top 4 Feature Match: Omar Beldon vs. Gary Miotke

June 20th, 2010

Gary Miotke is running X-Sabers in this tournament, while his opponent, Omar Beldon, is running Infernities. The winner here will be guaranteed a set of all 3 Darklord Prize Cards, while the other competitor will Duel for 3rd place and a shot at the final prize set. With so much at stake, Miotke and Beldon will be trying their hardest to win this Match. Read more…