Top 16 Decklists!
Here are the Top 16 Decklists from the YCS!
This was Table 1 of the Sunday Dragon Duel! Nine year-old Lance Bradshaw was piloting X-Sabers, while his opponent, twelve year-old Tristan Juhasz, played Frog Monarchs. Both competitors were victorious in all their Matches thus far, but only one Duelist would walk away with an undefeated record for the day! Read more…
With Hidden Arsenal 2 legal for a Championship-level event for the first time this weekend, Duelists in both the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Main Event and the Public Events were taking advantage of the new Synchro Monsters the set offers. Four of the new Synchros had a notable presence over the course of the weekend, and each helped to make certain Decks more competitive. Let’s give them all a brief look. Read more…
A new Forbidden & Limited Cards List will take effect on September 1. In the aftermath of this Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series, we checked in with a few Duelists running some of the most popular Decks from the last few months, to take a look at how they’ve been playing the Deck, and what they might change starting next month.
Since the emergence of X-Sabers as a top competitive Deck, X-Sabers have centered on a two-method approach, with the hand-wrecking XX-Saber Gottoms and X-Saber Airbellum, and the on-field destruction of Saber Slash and XX-Saber Hyunlei. Play your cards, and you’d lose them to Slash and Hyunlei. Don’t play them, and you’d lose them to Gottoms and Airbellum.
Once Boggart Knight and Darksoul made their thunderous debut, the Deck became more aggressive. If you don’t keep up with X-Sabers, you’ll lose to their crushing speed. Saber Slash fell out of favor for months, only recently re-emerging after an impressive Top 4 finish in the hands of Gary Miotke at YCS Chicago, but Hyunlei was always a threat. Now, with Slash gaining popularity and X-Sabers operating at high speed, the threat is even more vicious than ever. Cold Wave and Rescue Cat are two of the most feared cards in Dueling at the moment, and X-Sabers run both.
But the innovation is not over, and Desmond Boyd has made some drastic changes to take X-Sabers in an exciting new direction! Here’s what he’s playing: Read more…
A new Forbidden & Limited Cards List will take effect on September 1. In the aftermath of this Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series, we checked in with a few Duelists running some of the most popular Decks from the last few months, to take a look at how they’ve been playing the Deck, and what they might change starting next month.
Infernities hit the ground running three months ago when they received their first big group of cards in The Shining Darkness. Infernitites won at the Canadian World Championship Qualifier and YCS Chicago, but their winning streak was cut short by Sean Montague’s X-Saber win at the U.S. World Championship Qualifier. Today, after not even making it to the final rounds at the U.S. WCQ, they were back in Top 16 action. Read more…
A new Forbidden & Limited Cards List will take effect on September 1. In the aftermath of this Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series, we checked in with a few Duelists running some of the most popular Decks from the last few months, to take a look at how they’ve been playing the Deck, and what they might change starting next month.
When the dust settled at the U.S. World Championship Qualifier, the United States team headed to the World Championship was made up of three X-Saber Duelists and Daniel LaMartina, a Gladiator Beast Duelist. Gladiators are popular because of the Deck’s flexibility. It can deal with all kinds of enemy Decks really well. Read more…
These two competitors had Dueled their way into the Public Event Playoffs this weekend, getting into the Top 4 by earning the highest number of points in Public Events over the course of the weekend. And we saw both of them in Feature Match action yesterday! Brandon Miotke is back playing X-Sabers, and Jordan Grant is once again playing his Frog Monarchs with Obelisk the Tormentor. The winner of this Match would get to play for a Super Rare set of the Darklord Prize Cards in the Playoff Finals! Read more…
Events like this weekend’s Gen Con convention are host to gamers from all walks of life, from the most casual to the most serious. That goes for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG too, and even here – behind the badge-protected doors of The Best Four Days in Gaming – plenty of new Duelists are taking their first step into the world of Championship-level tournaments. Meet four of the Duelists who are making that step today, right here, at YCS Indianapolis! Read more…
One year ago today, Matt Hoey sat in this very hall to compete in the Finals of SHONEN JUMP Championship Indianapolis against Fili Luna. Luna defeated him with Blackwings to take his fourth SHONEN JUMP Championship win, and Hoey was left in second place. Now he’s back with X-Sabers and an undefeated record in this tournament. Today, Hoey hopes to make up for his past loss.
But his opponent won’t make that easy. Anthony Meier is playing an anti-meta Deck jam-packed with cards selected just to beat X-Sabers. Doomcaliber Knight, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, and more are going to make this a very long (or perhaps very short) Match. Read more…
QQ stands for Quick Questions! The cards in your Side Deck (and how you use them) are always important, but since Decks like X-Sabers, Infernities, and Frogs have really well-recognized strengths and weaknesses, skilled Side Decking can pay off even more than it normally would. Read more…