. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2010/09 – San Jose, CA

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2010/09 – San Jose, CA

Post-Event Wrap-Up of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series San Jose, CA

October 8th, 2010

Now that the dust has settled, you can read our post-event analysis of each Feature Match from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series San Jose held last month. Here’s a match-by-match list:

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Feature Match: Sunday’s Dragon Duel Final

September 28th, 2010

Aaron Abuan is 12 years old and traveled here from Henderson, Las Vegas. His opponent, Brandon Kinard, is also 12 years old and traveled here from Hawaii. Kinard is running X-Sabers, while Abuan is running a Twilight Deck with Super-Nimble Mega Hamster in it. Both Duelists are 3-0 so far, but only one of them can finish the tournament with a perfect record. Read more…

Top 32 Decklists!

September 27th, 2010

Here are the Top 32 Decklists from the YCS!

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Points Play-Off Final: Jack Hoyt vs. Alex Vansant

September 26th, 2010

Jack Hoyt took down Obelisk the Tormentor with his X-Saber Deck to earn his way to this final Match. His opponent, Alex Vansant, defeated a Blackwing Deck with his Machina Gadgets. Both Duelists are strong competitors, but only one of them will be able to win this Match and take home a set of Darklord Prize Cards. Read more…

Points Play-Off Top 4: Kory Choy vs. Jack Hoyt

September 26th, 2010

Whenever you play in a tournament during a YCS weekend, you get points. At the end of the event, players who have racked up the most points can have a chance to compete in a 4-player mini-tournament. The winner of this tournament wins a set of all 3 YCS Prize Cards!

In our Top 4 at the end of this weekend, we have Jack Hoyt. He’s 12 years old and won the Dragon Duel championship at the United States World Championship Qualifier in Minneapolis this summer. He made into the points playoffs by using his X-Saber Deck all weekend. His opponent, Kory Choy, is 7 years old and used a cool Deck with 3 copies of Obelisk the Tormentor in it. His Deck is full of monsters that swarm the field with monsters for him to Tribute. Will an Egyptian God be enough to take down star-Duelist Jack Hoyt? Read more…

Public Events Final: Tyler Cole vs. Jason Huertas

September 26th, 2010

Tyler Cole and Jason Huertas traveled here together this weekend from Reno, Nevada. Now, one of them would walk away with a set of the Darklord Prize Cards! Huertas is playing X-Sabers, while Cole is running Gladiator Beasts. Let’s get to it! Read more…

Deck Profile: Mario Matheu’s Machina Salvo Deck

September 26th, 2010

Mario Matheu piloted his Machina Salvo Deck to a 9-1 record by the end of the Swiss rounds in the tournament, then a victory in the Top 32 to get him to the Top 16. His Deck is full of explosive plays that can end a Duel or let him catch up from behind. He can swarm the field with huge monsters, clear the field with Black Rose Dragon, or make simple card trades that push him ahead of his opponent. Read more…

YCS San Jose First-Timers!

September 26th, 2010

Lots of experienced Duelists are in attendance this weekend, but not all of them are Dueling experts. Tons of them came here to try their luck in their first big event, and mostly just have a good time. Take a look at some YCS first-timers in San Jose! Read more…

Angel Flores wins YCS San Jose!

September 26th, 2010

Angel Flores has triumphed with his Gemini Deck at the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Tournament here in San Jose, California!

Flores’ managed his victory with a successful Deck that combined the old with the new. Adding 3 copies of the new Pot of Duality and 3 copies of the equally new Solemn Warning to his Deck, Flores infused his Gemini Deck with a combination of speed and defense that let his monsters like Elemental Hero Neos Alius shine through.

Flores defeated Mark Garcia’s Blackwing Deck in the final round of this event, to claim his set of 3 Ultra Rare copies of the YCS Prize Cards (Darklord Asmodeus, Darklord Superbia, and Darklord Edeh Arae) plus an assortment of other prizes.

Garcia, as well as the 3rd place winner, will receive a Super Rare set of all 3 Prize Cards.

Angel Flores - Winner

Final Round Feature Match: Angel Flores vs. Mark Garcia

September 26th, 2010

In the final Match of the main event, Mark Garcia was playing Blackwings, Dueling against Angel Flores’ Gemini Deck. The winner of this Match would earn the title of Champion, and would go down in the history books as the winner of YCS San Jose! Read more…