With nearly two thirds of Day 1 now in the record books, it seemed like a good time to take a peek at the action on Table 1. Sasha Del Conte traveled here this weekend from Montreal, Quebec, while his opponent Justin Reyes is from right here, in Toronto. Reyes is playing X-Sabers, while Conte is playing Blackwings.
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Beau Sherbok traveled here this weekend from Niagara, while Michael is a native of nearby Brantford, Ontario. While Sherbok is running Blackwings, his opponent Boire is playing a Dragon Deck using Delta Flyer to smooth out his Synchro Summons and Dandylion to make his Debris Dragons even better while fueling the effects of Scrap Dragon and Trident Dragion. Boire’s Deck is really good at Summoning big monsters, and it’s especially good at Synchro Summoning – but if he overreaches here, he could lose out to cards like Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame and Icarus Attack. This one was anybody’s game.
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Canadian Duelist Dale Bellido is competing here today with a new version of the Deck he ran for the bulk of the last Advanced Format: Infernities. Despite Infernity Launcher’s newly-Limited status, a number of Canadian Duelists are undaunted and have stuck with the Deck, compensating by running more copies of Infernity Mirage and cards like Infernity Force and Infernity Break. The new breed of Infernity Decks are all about the long game.
Jimmy Chen was Bellido’s opponent this round, piloting a popular pick in today’s tournament: Blackwings. With cards like Icarus Attack and Delta Crow – Anti Reverse likely to appear in Chen’s Deck, this Match might come down to who can play the long game the best.
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