. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2010/09 – Toronto, Canada

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2010/09 – Toronto, Canada

Toronto Statistics, part 2 – Most Popular Cards

September 25th, 2010

The wide Deck diversity at YCS Toronto meant that lots of different cards were used by the Duelists that competed. But that doesn’t mean that there weren’t any cards in common among Duelists wielding different Decks. Take a look at some of the popular cards at YCS Toronto, influenced by the new Forbidden & Limited Cards List and the release of Duelist Revolution. Read more…

Toronto Statistics, part 1 – Most Popular Decks

September 25th, 2010

Things are gearing up for Round 1 here in San Jose, California, for the 81st Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series tournament. The 80th Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series is actually still going on, since the event in Bochum, Germany is held this same weekend, but started earlier today because of time zone differences.

What better way is there to kick off the weekend, than by taking a look back at YCS Toronto, the most recent YCS Tournament? YCS Toronto was the first of the new format, which began on September 1 when the Forbidden & Limited Cards List was updated. Toronto also gave Duelists their first opportunity to use cards from Duelist Revolution. Variety always comes out when Duelists are confronted with new options for their Decks and Dueling style, and YCS Toronto presented no exception. Read more…

Post-Event Wrap-Up of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Toronto, Canada

September 14th, 2010

Top 16 Decklists!

September 14th, 2010

Here you’ll find the Top 16 Decklists for this event.

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Public Events Prize Card Playoff Finals: Jack Hoyt VS Hernan Roman

September 5th, 2010

One of these two Duelists would leave this table with a set of the Darklord prize cards!  Jack Hoyt is playing X-Sabers, while his opponent Hernan Roman is running Anti-Meta Beatdown, a Deck built specifically to defeat X-Sabers.  This one was going to be a tough Match for Hoyt.

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Raffle Playoffs Final: Ralph Manahan VS Maurice Brantley

September 5th, 2010

Fortune has smiled on these two Duelists this weekend, as both of them were chosen out of all the players who played in a Public Event this weekend to compete in a 4-player, single elimination tournament. The prize? A set of the Darklords, the YCS Prize Cards!
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Public Event Prize Card Playoffs Semifinal: Jack Hoyt VS Matthew Abrams

September 5th, 2010

Here at the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series, there’s more than one way to win a set of the Darklord prize cards!  While the Top 3 Duelists in the main event YCS tournament each take home a set of Darklords, two more sets are reserved for Public Event competitors.  The Top 4 Public Event point-earners (who played and won the most) and four randomly-selected Public Event competitors each get a chance to Duel in a Top 4 Playoff, where the final victor walks away with a set of the Darklords.  This was one of the Top 4 Matches for the weekend’s top point earners.

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Dragon Duel Finals: Kyle Mistysyn VS Jack Hoyt

September 5th, 2010

Toronto’s Kyle Mistysyn is twelve years old, and is here undefeated in the last Round of the Sunday Dragon Duel!  Mistysyn is running Twilight, while his opponent – Massacheussett’s Jack Hoyt – is playing X-Sabers.  This could be Mistysyn’s first-ever Dragon Duel win, but Jack Hoyt is tough competition: he’s won nine Dragon Duels before, and this might be his tenth victory.

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QQ: What cards from Duelist Revolution are you playing?

September 5th, 2010

This wasn’t just the first YCS under the new Forbidden and Limited Cards list, it was also the first YCS where Duelist Revolution cards were legal. So we asked: “What cards from Duelist Revolution are you playing in YOUR Deck?”
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QQ: What’s your secret tech?

September 5th, 2010

Quick Questions: What’s Your Secret Tech?

QQ stands for Quick Questions!  It’s tradition now: we hit the tournament floor to ask a spread of competitors what the one card was that set their Deck apart, and took their opponents by surprise!  Here were some of the answers, when we asked the Quick Queston: “What’s YOUR secret tech?”

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