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2010/09 – Toronto, Canada tagged with 'Gladiator Beasts'

Raffle Playoffs Final: Ralph Manahan VS Maurice Brantley

September 5th, 2010

Fortune has smiled on these two Duelists this weekend, as both of them were chosen out of all the players who played in a Public Event this weekend to compete in a 4-player, single elimination tournament. The prize? A set of the Darklords, the YCS Prize Cards!
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Round 7 Feature Match: Joshua Graham VS Cody Gravelle

September 4th, 2010

Cody Gravelle is here from Niagara Falls playing Lightsworn today, he’s undefeated and looking to virtually lock himself into the top 16 by winning this match. His opponent is Josh Graham, an Orillia, Ontario native, who’s looking for the same thing. Both Duelists can’t win though, so something’s gotta give. Let’s see what happens in a throwback to an older format where Gladiator Beasts and Lightsworn were constantly at war.

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Round 5 Feature Match: Mark Alan Johnson VS Sorosh Saberian

September 4th, 2010

This Match saw 2 of the tournament’s most successful Decks going head-to-head, as Mark Alan Johnson took Gladiator Beasts against Sorosh Saberian’s Quickdraw Dandywarrior Deck.  Both Duelists have had plenty of experience Dueling in Championship-level events, and this can be an unpredictable matchup, so it should make for a great Feature Match!

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