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2010/09 – Toronto, Canada tagged with 'Infernity'

Quarterfinal Feature Match: Lazaro Bellido VS Kareem O’Brien

September 5th, 2010

Kareem O’Brien is here today running Infernities. This is his first big tournament showings and he’s up against Lazaro Bellido, a former National and Shonen Jump Championship Tournament Champion who is here today using X-Sabers. Both players here are from the Toronto area and have played each other multiple times in the past. Will O’Brien be able to stand up to Bellido or will he fall short of the goal line?
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Deck Profile: Dale Bellido’s Infernity Deck

September 4th, 2010

Infernities proved to be extremely popular here in Toronto this past Summer: so much so that while X-Sabers were dominating in the United States, Infernities were winning the Canadian World Championship Qualifier.  Aaron Noel took home the Canadian Championship, but it was fellow Canadians like Lazaro and Dale Bellido that first pioneered the Deck when it debuted at YCS Virginia.  They, and many more Canadians like them, continued to play the Deck for the bulk of the March 1st Advanced Format.

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Round 2 Feature Match: Dale Bellido VS Jimmy Chen

September 4th, 2010

Canadian Duelist Dale Bellido is competing here today with a new version of the Deck he ran for the bulk of the last Advanced Format: Infernities.  Despite Infernity Launcher’s newly-Limited status, a number of Canadian Duelists are undaunted and have stuck with the Deck, compensating by running more copies of Infernity Mirage and cards like Infernity Force and Infernity Break.  The new breed of Infernity Decks are all about the long game.

Jimmy Chen was Bellido’s opponent this round, piloting a popular pick in today’s tournament: Blackwings.  With cards like Icarus Attack and Delta Crow – Anti Reverse likely to appear in Chen’s Deck, this Match might come down to who can play the long game the best.

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