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2010/11 – Atlanta, Georgia tagged with 'Tech Update'

Tech Update: Starstrike Blast Top 5

November 20th, 2010

Starstrike Blast has been tournament-legal for less than a week, and lots of Duelists are already trying to see which cards will be the most useful in their Decks. Many old Decks, including Quickdraw, Spellcasters, Gravekeepers, and Scraps, got a huge boost thanks to some of the themed cards in Starstrike Blast. Other cards in Starstrike Blast fit into a bunch of different Decks. Take a look at some of the most popular Starstrike Blast cards that Duelists are using here this weekend. Read more…

YCS Philadelphia Tech – By the Numbers

November 20th, 2010

By this point, we’ve analyzed every single Deck list from YCS Philadelphia, and counted how many copies of each card were played. As trends rise and fall, once-popular cards lose favor and are replaced by others. But those cards aren’t these cards! The following cards keep getting more popular over time, so you should definitely take them into account when you consider your plays. Read more…