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2011/03 – Charlotte, NC tagged with 'Top Decks'

Top 32 Decklists from YCS Charlotte

March 22nd, 2011

In no particular order.
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Round Five Top Tables Update

March 19th, 2011

As we approach Round 5, it’s a great time to take a look at the top tables.  All the Duelists at these tables were undefeated with 4-0 records headed into their fifth of nine Matches today.  The field is hugely diverse, but Gravekeepers have outperformed the expectations of most competitors:
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Deck Statistics from YCS Dallas

March 19th, 2011

The September 2010 format is over, and Six Samurais took the last victory of it in YCS Dallas. Six Samurais, which were represented by less than 2% of the field at YCS Atlanta, jumped up to the most popular Deck in Dallas, representing 16.3% of the field at the most recent YCS! The release of Storm of Ragnarok, and the introduction of the Legendary Six Samurais, prompted this surge in popularity, and allowed Six Samurais to take the top spot. But with Gateway of the Six now Limited and lots of other Decks affected by the March 2011 Forbidden & Limited List, anything can happen this weekend!
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