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2011/05 – Orlando, FL tagged with 'Just the stats ma'am'

YCS Anaheim – The Numbers: The 5 Most-Played Decks

May 21st, 2011

It’s time for another YCS! But before we move on to the spectacular happenings of the weekend, let’s take a quick look back at the previous YCS in Anaheim, and check out the most popular Decks that were used there!

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YCS Anaheim – The Numbers: Individual Card Stats

May 21st, 2011

We’re back for another YCS in the Sunshine State, and we’re about to see some all-new cards make a splash in the tournament thanks to the recent release of Extreme Victory! But before we shift focus to the hot new cards of the weekend, let’s take a quick look at some of the most popular cards at YCS Anaheim!
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Attack of the Monsters!

May 21st, 2011

Back in Anaheim, Duelists competed in the YCS with a variety of Decks. A couple of brave Duelists used as few as 3 monsters in their Main Decks, while 1 overcautious competitor packed his Deck with 39 monsters! 13 and 14 were overwhelmingly the most popular numbers in the monster line-ups, most likely reflecting the popularity of the low-monster-count Six Samurai and Gravekeeper’s Decks in the tournament.

So what do all of these numbers mean for you, the player? For one thing, it might help you to analyze the odds of an opponent drawing a monster when you’re facing off against a topdecking Six Samurai or Gravekeeper’s Duelist.
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