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2011/09 – Toronto, Canada tagged with 'Infernity'

Deck Profile: Jason Larabee’s Infernity Deck

September 17th, 2011

No two Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series tournaments are alike: formats are different, trends change at the drop of a dime, and in many cases, the Dueling landscape of the hosting city itself shapes the tournament.  Here in Toronto we are in Kalin Kessler country: Infernities may be more popular here in Toronto than anywhere else, thanks to big Championship wins in the hands of Torontonian Duelists last year.  While Infernities fell off the competitive map many months ago, the new September 1st Advanced List has opened the gates once again, and Duelists like Jason Larabee are capitalizing on one of the biggest new tournament powerhouses to take the strategy to new heights.
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Round 5 Feature Match: Jason Larabee VS Ryan Muttaqi

September 17th, 2011

Jason Larabee entered today’s YCS with a complex Infernity Deck that loops Summons with Leviair the Sea Dragon and is capable of Summoning Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier multiple times in a single turn. Larabee’s Round 5 opponent, Ryan Muttaqi, is using Gladiator Beasts. Gladiator Beasts typically give Infernity Decks a tough time, since Gladiator Beast Retiari has the ability to banish key combo cards from the Infernity Duelist’s Graveyard; but Larabee’s new Infernity tricks may be enough to help him triumph in this difficult Matchup. Read more…