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2011/09 – Toronto, Canada tagged with 'Nordic'

Deck Profile: Sorosh Saberian’s Nordic Beasts

September 17th, 2011

Nordics are back, and better than ever! With Debris Dragon now Limited and the Lonefire Blossom engine taking a hit from the new Advanced List, a handful of Duelists are exploring Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts once again, getting easy access to high-Level Synchro Monsters.  When Tanngnjostr is changed from Defense Position to Attack Position, it Special Summons another Nordic Beast from its controller’s Deck, and the prime candidate is the Level 4 Tuner monster, Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts.  Tuned to Tanngnjostr, Guldfaxe unleashes Black Rose Dragon to wipe the field, or Ancient Sacred Wyvern to strike for huge damage.
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Round 1: Sorosh Saberian VS Eric Hennig

September 17th, 2011

Here in Round 1, we’ll see two GTA locals go head-to-head, as Sorosh Saberian takes Nordics up against Eric Hennig’s Agents.  Saberian has remarked many times over the past week that the much-feared Agents strategy is actually a favorable match-up for his Nordic Deck, and now it was time for him to step up and prove it!
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