Pairings: Top 4
Here are the Pairings for Top 4 here at YCS Anaheim.
Ben Leverett has a multitude of Dragon Duel titles under his belt, but this year he’s moved on to the Main Event. He’s looking at a great spot in the Top 32 if he wins the Match with his Burning Abyss Deck. He’s up against Aaron Furman, another great player who consistently does well at major events, and is using Shaddolls today. This is the last round before the cut to Top 32 – the winner has a solid shot at making it into the top cut, while the loser will be out of the running.
It’s Day 2 of YCS Anaheim! Here’s your top Duelists as we begin.
Robert Palumbo used his Qliphort Deck, defeating Burning Abyss in the finals to win a GIANT Qliphort Scout!
Jonathan Nagel is one of our VIP players who has had quite a nice weekend thus far. Outside of not needing to pay for entry, receiving a static table, and two byes, he is now sitting at an 8-1 record looking pretty good to make Top 32. All he has to do is win one of his next two matches, and he will most likely make it in. Nagel is playing a Burning Abyss Deck with a bunch of awesome tech! Outside of cool choices like Dark Eruption, Forbidden Chalice, and Mind Crush all in his Main Deck, he uses Edge Imp Sabres for a bunch of sweet combos! The best being that anytime he has Mathematician and a Burning Abyss Monster, he can send the Sabres for Mathematician’s effect and stack the Burning Abyss on top of his Deck to Special Summon the Sabres. He then overlays for Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss and can mill the Burning Abyss, pretty sweet.
His opponent is Charles Ramsey, the Satellarknight Duelist who had a Feature yesterday. He’s looking to redeem himself in the Feature Match area after the loss from last time, so things are looking to get pretty exciting!
Ramsey won the roll and opted to go first.
We are at the end of Swiss Rounds on Day 2, here are the overall Standings.
We’re nearing the end of Day 1 here at YCS Anaheim! For this round, we’ve got two Qliphort Duelists! Nick Kaelin is using Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to add consistency to his Deck, at the cost of some speed. Chris Rodriguez is playing a secret tech card, Forbidden Scripture! Scripture lets him negate all of his Qliphorts, resetting their ATK, as well as shutting down tons of stuff like Shaddoll Flip Effects or opposing Saqlifices. He can even turn destroy a monster without losing his Vanity’s Emptiness!
The Qliphorts are ready, and it’s time to Duel!