. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2014/11 – Anaheim, CA

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2014/11 – Anaheim, CA

Top Table Update: Round 7

November 23rd, 2014

Here are the top Duelists heading into Round 7!

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Round 5 Feature Match: Chancy Wigglestove Versus Nicolas Volk

November 23rd, 2014

Nicolas Volk travelled here all the way from France and is battlingng with an Artifact Dragon Shaddoll Deck trying to make his way to the top cut of the North American stage. Chancy Wigglestove has come down from the land of Canada and is no stranger to the feature match area. He persuaded us with some fantastic artwork on his feature match request form, so we basically had to bring him back. He is also using a Dragon Shaddoll Deck, but has chosen not to play the Artifact engine in favor of some other spicy tech.

Wigglestove won the roll and chose to go first.

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Round 4 Feature Match: Jonathon Gomez Versus Jesse Barber

November 23rd, 2014

This match pits two interesting Duelists against each other: Jonathaon Gomez is a Southern Californian Duelist who went undefeated during the swiss portion YCS Dallas and is trying to make a run for it again. He is playing Qliphort with techs like Waboku to mitigate all of the damage he is taking from Qliphort Scout. His opponent, Jesse Barber, is one of the Duelists who managed to when a VIP Qualifier Tournament for this event! He earned two byes along with a static table, so even though it is round 4 he has only had to win a single match to get here. He is using a Satellarknight Deck with a ton of sweet tech. He hasTraptrix Myrmeleo along with Time-Space Trap Hole to gain an edge against Pendulums, as well as Fire Hand and Ice Hand to beat up on Qliphort. He even has Main Deck Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror to get easy wins against Shaddoll and Burning Abyss! Can this awesome concoction stand up to the mighty Qliphort?

Barber won the roll and elected to go first. Read more…

Top Table Update: Round 5

November 23rd, 2014

Four Swiss Rounds have gone by so we can finally take a look at what Decks are performing the best. These next three Rounds are what will decide whether these Duelists will make it into Day Two or if they will end up playing Side Events on Sunday.

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Round 3 Feature Match: Juan Moroyoqui Versus Marco Ramirez

November 23rd, 2014

Juan Moroyoqui is one of the few Duelists who has managed  to clench one of the coveted seats as a VIP this weekend, by winning a VIP Qualifier Tournament he has been awarded with two round byes along with a static table, which he will return to after his feature match. His opponent is Marco Ramirez, and both Duelists have brought Artifact Shaddoll Decks today. Which one will be able to prove their mastery over the other?

Moroyoqui rolled a 7 to Ramirez’s gigantic 12, and Ramirez chose to go first.

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Round 2 Feature Match: Bo Tang Versus Pabel Arizaga

November 23rd, 2014

Canada’s Bo Tang is no stranger to the feature match area, considered to be one of the best Duelists in North America and he plans to prove it today with his Artifact Shaddoll Deck. His opponent, Pabel Arizaga, is Dueling with a Satellarknight Deck using Magic Planter to recycle used copies of Call of the Haunted and other Continuous Trap Cards.

Tang rolled an impressive 6 to Arizaga’s unlucky 1, so Tang chose to go first.

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Round 2 Feature Match: Jackson Rauch Versus Ulises Reyes

November 23rd, 2014

Welcome to Round 2! This time we’ve got Jackson Rauch, packing a Madolche Deck! Madolche had been a very strong contender earlier this year, but fell out of popularity. They’ve still got a lot of great options, however, and Rauch is ready to put them to the test against Ulises Reyes’s Burning Abyss Deck! The Burning Abyss monsters are among the most popular strategies lately, especially with their new Synchro Monster, Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss, from The New Challengers.

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Round 1 Feature Match: Omar Daoudi versus Sean Graefe

November 23rd, 2014

YCS first timer Omar Daoudi is a local from Lakewood, California, and he has brought a Burning Abyss deck featuring new additions from The New Challengers and awesome tech such as Night Beam! His opponent is Sean Graefe, a duelist also fairly local from Lancaster, California. He has brought Mermail to the tournament today, a classis but strong choice.

Daoudi lost the roll and Graefe chose to go first.

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Round 1 Feature Match: Billy Brake versus Christopher Hernandez

November 23rd, 2014

Billy Brake is fresh off his championship victory in YCS Dallas, and he’s looking for a back-to-back win! He’s using Shaddolls today. His first round opponent is Christopher Hernande playing Qliphorts. These are two of the Decks with the biggest expectations this weekend. Will this Match be a preview of Day 2? Read more…

Welcome to YCS Anaheim!

November 22nd, 2014

We’re at the Anaheim Convention Center, and we’ve got a great turnout of 1670 Duelists!We have a lot of firsts in the tournament today – this is the first YCS to be using cards from The New Challengers, the Geargia Rampage Structure Deck, and the Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set! With all these new cards in the mix, we’re looking at a very interesting tournament.

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