Sunday Dragon Duel Champions
Here are the Champion and Top 4 Finalists from Sunday’s Dragon Duel! Congratulations on their victories!
Here are the Champion and Top 4 Finalists from Sunday’s Dragon Duel! Congratulations on their victories!
We’re at the end of what has been a historic weekend for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME and most of the events are in their final stages. The Dragon Duel tournament is nearing its conclusion and here are the 2 Duelists competing for a Super Rare Blood Mefist! Jesse Dean Kotton is a 12 year old Duelist from Toronto, Canada while his 11 year old opponent Oliver Tomajko travelled all the way from New York to compete here. Let’s see how the Match unfolded!
Welcome to Round 4 of the Dragon Duels! Take a look at what’s going on at the Top Tables!
We’re almost halfway through with the Dragon Duels! Check out what happened at the top 4 tables in Round 3!
These two Duelists had outlasted over 4300 of their fellow competitors to get here. This one Match – fought between Dark World and Dino Rabbit – would determine the fate of a tournament ten years in the making. Tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Duels had all led here, to this one final table. Ladies and gentlemen, it all comes down to this!
…I TOLD you so…
Michael Balan, playing his Dark World Deck, has won the biggest TCG tournament in history, coming out on top of over 4300 other Duelists!
Four Duelists remained in this tournament, and each was playing a different Deck; over at the other table, Dino Rabbit was facing off against Chaos Piper. Here, Joseph Giorlando’s Skill Drain Elemental Heroes were pitted against Michael Balan’s Dark World. This was a matchup we’d never seen before in a Feature Match, but it seemed as if Balan’s strategy might have an advantage.
The final match is underway! Michael Balan’s Dark World Deck is squaring off against Simon He’s Dino-Rabbit Deck.
Balan previously defeated Joseph Giorlando’s Skill Drain HERO Deck in the Semi-Finals, and Simon He defeated Gabriel Perez’s Chaos Piper Deck.
The Dragon Duelists are at it again! The young Duelists have prepared for 6 Rounds of Swiss that will end with 1 Duelist receiving a Blood Mefist prize card! Check out how things went at the Top 4 Tables in Round 2!