We’re at the end of what has been a historic weekend for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME and most of the events are in their final stages. The Dragon Duel tournament is nearing its conclusion and here are the 2 Duelists competing for a Super Rare Blood Mefist! Jesse Dean Kotton is a 12 year old Duelist from Toronto, Canada while his 11 year old opponent Oliver Tomajko travelled all the way from New York to compete here. Let’s see how the Match unfolded!
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These two Duelists had outlasted over 4300 of their fellow competitors to get here. This one Match – fought between Dark World and Dino Rabbit – would determine the fate of a tournament ten years in the making. Tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Duels had all led here, to this one final table. Ladies and gentlemen, it all comes down to this!
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Four Duelists remained in this tournament, and each was playing a different Deck; over at the other table, Dino Rabbit was facing off against Chaos Piper. Here, Joseph Giorlando’s Skill Drain Elemental Heroes were pitted against Michael Balan’s Dark World. This was a matchup we’d never seen before in a Feature Match, but it seemed as if Balan’s strategy might have an advantage.
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With 6 different Deck types, the Top 8 for this tournament is nothing short of incredible! Not only were Dark World and Piper Chaos still in contention, but this Match would see Joseph Giorlando’s Skill Drain Elemental HEROes up against the slickest Wind-Up variant in the tournament; Wilson Tsang’s Beastly Wind-Ups, armed with Ape Fighter, Photon Saber Tiger, and Horn of the Phantom Beast! This one was anybody’s game, but Skill Drain could certainly prove to be a deciding factor in Giorlando’s favor.
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The biggest TCG tournament in the history of the world is rapidly shrinking, and only sixteen Duelists remain! This Match will see Michael Lux and Angel Ascencio duke it out in a Dino Rabbit mirror match. This one could be a long, drawn-out slugfest, or it could be incredibly quick – we were about to find out.
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Now that we’re in the playoff rounds, the stakes could not be higher! In order to stay alive right here, in the biggest TCG tournament of all time, each Duelist still remaining in contention will have to win all of their Matches. One of these Duelists will continue on to the Top 16. The other will be headed home. This is a Wind-Up mirror match, so anything could happen, everything can change in an instant, and anybody could win!
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Wilson Tsang Dueled his way to a 10-2 finish in the Swiss Rounds of this weekend’s competition, piloting an innovative strategy we weren’t able to show you until now. Tsang is running a unique Wind-Up build, running cards like Photon Saber Tiger, Ape Fighter, and Horn of the Phantom Beast. “This Deck has really good matchups,” explained Tsang, “Especially against more conventional Wind-Up Decks.”
But Tsang isn’t the only innovator at the table! His opponent is Keith Wong, who’s playing a teched out version of Malefic Skill Drain! Packing Main Decked copies of Prohibition, Wong’s strategy is aggressive, and extremely good at keeping big monsters on the field to shut down Dino Rabbit. He also plays Necrovalley, which could give him an edge here against Tsang’s Wind-Up Rats. Let’s see how it goes!
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I, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, am back to conquer the world of Dueling! And what better way is there to do it, than by leading my forces to victory in the largest Trading Card Game tournament ever held! Michael Balan from Las Vegas, Nevada is Dueling on my behalf against Bai Chen from New York to secure glory and power for the Dark World army! With MY help, there’s no way we can lose!
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Jake Quinsee is the National Champion of the United Kingdom, and he’s here today with an undefeated record, piloting Wind-Ups! His opponent is Wesley Carter, the only undefeated Gravekeeper Duelist here this weekend. We haven’t seen this matchup in a Feature Match this weekend, so this should be a show!
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Gabriel Perez from Sacramento, California and David Lopez from Tucson, Arizona are currently 8-1. Perez is running a Piper Chaos Deck that uses a bunch of Level 1 monsters and Mystic Piper to draw cards before winning the Duel with Chaos monsters. Lopez is running a T.G. Deck with King Tiger Wanghu and Skill Drain in it. Skill Drain may be problematic for Perez’s small Effect Monsters, but his big attackers may help him to overwhelm Lopez, even without access to the effects of generally important monsters like Kinka-Byo.
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