Many villains have menaced the world throughout the several Yu-Gi-Oh! TV series.
One fateful day, in the land of imagination, those villains crossed paths!
It’s a master villain 3-way free-for-all Duel! Who wins: Marik, Sartorius, or Rex Goodwin?
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And here are the top Duelists from Sunday’s Dragon Duel event!
Each of them receives an invitation to the 2012 Dragon Duel World Championship Qualifier, a 2012 Regional Game Mat, a Dragon Duel Medal, and a Dragon Duel T-Shirt.
That’s all from Chicago. We’ll see everyone again in Philadelphia for the next Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event on May 19-20! Be sure and check back for news from the very first Battle Pack: Epic Dawn events, plus the first major event to allow Galactic Overlord cards!

YCS events bring all people from all walks of life, all age groups, and all levels of experience. Here we have some Illinois players who are enjoying their very first YCS!
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As our Sunday Dragon Duel was just getting started, we took a look at the action in the first round.
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At the end of every event, we have two separate playoffs based on Public Events. One Set has players selected based on the number of points they accumulated in Public Events throughout the weekend. The other chooses its players randomly. The winners of each receive a Super Rare Blood Mefist card! This match is the finals for the random playoffs, so these Duelists were chosen completely at random!
Andrew Henderson is a Minnesota native, who has previously won a Crush Card Virus in public event playoffs. He’s back to try once more with Dino-Rabbit! Brian Small is joining him in the finals with his HERO deck. This is Brian’s first YCS event!
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After fifteen rounds of play, the final match was a Dino-Rabbit mirror match! Aaron Noel had piloted his Deck past Simon Yip’s Chaos Dragons in the semi-finals, while Daniel Nunnally took down Billy Brake and his Inzektor Deck. After two grueling days, the final match was here!
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Aaron Noel was 2010 Canadian National Champion and made it to the Top 8 of the World Championship that year has triumphed in Chicago! Using Maestroke the Symphony Djinn to win a Dino-Rabbit mirror match against Daniel Nunnally to top a field of 1,170 Duelists!

Simon Yip is the last Chaos Dragon Duelist in the tournament! His opponent is Aaron Noel, playing Dino Rabbits. The Duelists shook hands and we were ready to begin!
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Caleb Albert traveled here from Michigan this weekend, using Inzektors. Jason Jadofsky is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We saw him in our Round 3 Round-Up, where his HERO deck defeated Dino-Rabbits. He is now the last HERO player in contention.
Jadofsky wanted to make sure to point out that he wasn’t using a playmat. “It’s bad juju! I went the whole tournament playing on the tablecloth!”
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Tyler Tabman is here from Overland Park, Kansas, and is running the last Gravekeepers deck in contention today. Matthew Bishop traveled all the way from Toronto! He brought his Dino Rabbit deck.
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