This is the very last Battle Pack Public Event of the day! Justin traveled all the way from Montreal, Quebec. David came up from Bel Air, Maryland. This very last Match should live up to the name of Epic Dawn! Read more…
Congratulations to all of them! We’ll be seeing them again soon at the World Championship Qualifer!

13-year-old Zachary Leverett is Dueling against 11-year-old Fisher Orlando in this final round of Sunday’s Dragon Duel! Both Duelists are currently undefeated, but only one of them will finish the tournament with a perfect 5-0 record. Will it be Zachary Leverett with his Dino Rabbit Deck, or Fisher Orlando with his Gravekeeper’s Deck? Read more…
We’re here with more Battle Pack first-timers! Every Duelist here today is special for being among the first in the world to try out Battle Pack: Epic Dawn! Read more…
YCS first-timer, Feng Chen with his Chaos Dragon Deck! Congratulations!

Andrew Martin from Lewisberry, Pennsylvania and Feng Chen from Brooklyn, New York are both using Dragon Decks. Chen is a YCS first-timer and Martin has only competed in 1 YCS previously. Now, one of these Duelists is about to become a YCS winner, and the first Duelist in the United States to bring Chaos Dragons to the top of a YCS tournament. Read more…
The battle of the Shanes! It’s Shane Duckworth VS Shane Wise. Both of our Shanes are from Hanover, PA. This is Wise’s first YCS event! They both seemed excited to get into their Duel. Read more…
The Top 4 Matches in the tournament both pit Dino Rabbit against Dragons. The Finals will either consist of a Dino Rabbit Mirror Match, a Dragon Mirror Match, or another Match of Dino Rabbit versus Dragons. The results of this Top 4 Feature Match, pitting Serge Poinsette’s Dino Rabbit Deck against Feng Chen’s Dragon Deck will determine which Decks and which Duelists will face off against one another in the Finals! Read more…
Only Dino Rabbit and Dragon Decks remain in the tournament, and now one of each is facing off in our Top 8 Feature Match! Jamal Lagrant takes his Dino Rabbit Deck against Andrew Martin’s Dragons in a Match that will determine each Duelist’s fate in the tournament! Read more…
Table 1: Serge Poinsette (Dino Rabbit) vs. Feng Chen (Dragons)
Table 2: Andrew Martin (Dragons) vs. Joseph Giorlando (Dino Rabbit)