. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2012/10 – Providence, Rhode Island

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2012/10 – Providence, Rhode Island

What’s up with all the Master Hyperion Decks?

October 26th, 2012

We haven’t seen many playoff appearances by Master Hyperion lately, but 5 Duelists managed to end the solar system slump and bring the strategy to the Top 16 and Top 8. Read more about why and how it works over on our Strategy Site!

William Casaw’s Obelisk the Tormentor Deck

October 25th, 2012

Even though he didn’t win, William Casaw put on a great show with his Obelisk the Tormentor Deck. You can read about the strategy behind the Deck over on our Strategy Site, right here!

Ultimate Pegasus Challenge Final: Anthony Figueroa vs. Rafael Torres

October 22nd, 2012

This is the final round of the Ultimate Pegasus Challenge! Anthony Figueroa is using a Machina Gadget Deck, and Rafael Torres has been successful with a Chaos Burn Deck. Both Duelists have managed to stay undefeated so far, despite not only having to battle their opponents, but Maximillion Pegasus himself!

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3rd/4th Playoff: Nareg Tarossian vs. Andres Torres

October 22nd, 2012

Our Duelists here both came just shy of the finals, but they aren’t out of competition yet! They’re facing off for a shot at a Super Rare copy of Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry! Nareg Torossian is piloting his very cool Zombie Monarch Deck, while Andres Torres is playing the popular and consistent Geargias.

Duel 1

Torrest started off by Normal Summoning Geargiarsenal and Tributed it to bring out Geargiarmor. He turned it face-down and Set a back row card.

Torossian began with Bottomless Trap Hole, Heavy Storm, Spirit Reaper, Caius the Shadow Monarch, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, and Call of the Haunted. He Set Bottomless Trap Hole and Reaper.

Torres Flip Summoned Geargiarmor, adding Geargiano Mk-II from his Deck to his hand. He Normal Summoned it, and it Special Summoned Geargiarsenal from his Graveyard. He Tributed Geargiarsenal to bring out another Geargiano Mk-II from his Deck. He stacked both copies of Geargiano Mk-II to Xyz Summon Soul of Silvermountain! Torossian knew it would freeze his trap, so he banished it with Bottomless Trap Hole. Torres flipped his Geargiarmor face-down.

Torossian drew Torrential Tribute. He Set Ryko, Call, and Heavy Storm.

Torres used Pot of Duality. He revealed Geargiaccelerator, Geargiarsenal, and Monster Reborn. He quickly chose Reborn. Next, he Flip Summoned Geargiarmor, and added Geargiaccelerator to his hand. He Normal Summoned it, then entered his Battle Phase. Geargiarmor attacked Ryko, which destroyed Geargiarmor in turn. Torossian sent Effect Veiler, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Mezuki to the Graveyard. Geargiaccelerator attacked Reaper, which simply flipped face-up. Torres Set a second and third back row card.

Torossian drew Spirit Reaper. He activated Heavy Storm, and Torres bounced Reaper back to the hand with Compulsory Evacuation Device. Torossian Set Reaper and Torrential Tribute.

Torres returned Geargiaccelerator to his hand to Special Summon Genex Ally Birdman, then Normal Summoned Geargiaccelerator again. Then, he Special Summoned another, and Synchro Summoned Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”. Burei Special Summoned Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi” from the Deck. Nishipachi targeted Reaper, and Torossian Chained Torrential Tribute! All monsters were destroyed, but Torres stole the Reaper with Monster Reborn! It attacked directly, knocking Caius out of Torossian’s hand.

Torossian drew Ryko. He Set it.

Torres turned Reaper to defense position and Set a card to back row.

Torossian drew Chaos Sorcerer. He flipped up Ryko to destroy Reaper, sending Tomato, Reaper, and Solemn Judgment to the Graveyard. He used Mezuki on a Reaper, then Normal Summoned his other one. Torres negated a Reaper with Veiler before the Battle Phase. Once he was in the Battle Phase, Torres used Fiendish Chain on the other Reaper! Ryko and Reaper attacked anyway. In Main Phase 2, Torossian Xyz Summoned Leviair the Sea Dragon and brought Mezuki back to the field.

Torres played Dark Hole!

Torossian drew Dark Armed Dragon! First, he banished Mezuki to bring Reaper back to the field. Next, he banished Ryko and a Reaper to Special Summon Chaos Sorcerer! Finally he Special Summoned Dark Armed Dragon! When Dark Armed Dragon prepared to destroy Torres’s face-down card, Torres picked up his cards!

Nareg Torossian makes an explosive finish to take the first Duel!

Duel 2

Torres Set four cards to his back row.

Torossian started off this time with Sangan, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Reaper, 2 Effect Veilers, and Tour Guide From the Underworld. He Normal Summoned Sangan and lost it to Solemn Warning. He Set Compulsory Evacuation Device.

Torres Set another back row card.

Torossian drew his second Tour Guide From the Underworld. He Normal Summoned it, and Torres Chained Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror! Tour Guide attacked directly.

Torres played Pot of Duality, revealing Dimensional Fissure, Solemn Warning, and Mystical Space Typhoon. He took Mystical Space Typhoon, then Set a back row card.

“Topdeck Heavy…” Torossian said… and he did! He played Heavy Storm, but Torres negated it with Starlight Road and Special Summoned Stardust Dragon! Torossian Normal Summoned his other Tour Guide and stacked both of them to Xyz Summon Number 30: Acid Golem, but he lost it to Bottomless Trap Hole! In the End Phase, Torres activated Mystical Space Typhoon, but Torossian Chained the targeted  Compulsory Evacuation Device to get rid of Stardust Dragon.

Torres Set a back row card.

Torossian drew Spy and Set Reaper.

Torres played Dimensional Fissure.

Torossian drew Ryko and Set it.

Torress Set a back row card.

Torossian drew Card Trooper. He Flip Summoned Ryko, but Torres played Fiendish Chain on it! Torossian continued by flipping up his Reaper, then Normal Summoning Trooper. He Xyz Summoned Wind-Up Zenmaines, then lost it to Compulsory Evacuation Device.

Torres Summoned Geargiano Mk-II and destroyed Ryko.

Torossian drew Bottomless Trap Hole, setting it and Spy.

Torres Normal Summoned Geargiaccelerator and its attack was deflected by Spy. Spy’s effect was negated by Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror.

Torossian drew Solemn Warning and Set it.

Torres Set one to his back row.

Torossian drew and Set Book of Moon.

Torres Normal Summoned Geargiarsenal, and Torossian negated its Summon with Solemn Warning.

Torossian drew another Solemn Warning and Set it.

Torres passed.

Torossian drew Mystical Space Typhoon and Set it.

Torres passed.

Torossian drew another Mystical Space Typhoon! He Set it.

Torres Normal Summoned Geargiarsenal, losing it again to Solemn Warning.

Torossian drew Compulsory Evacuation Device. He Set it. Then, he played Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Torres’s bluff: Pot of Avarice! He played the other Typhoon to destroy Bottomless Trap Hole. He turned Spy to attack position and took down Geargiano Mk-II with it. In Main Phase 2, he Normal Summoned Effect Veiler and Synchro Summoned Magical Android! He gained 600 Life Points in his End Phase.

Torres Set a monster and a two back row cards.

Torossian drew Bottomless Trap Hole. He had Android attack Geargiaccelerator. Torres played Dimensional Prison, and Torossian saved Android with Book of Moon. He Set Bottomless Trap Hole.

Torres Flip Summoned Geargiarmor. It added Geargiaccelerator to his hand, then he Special Summoned it. He stacked both Geargiaccelerators for Gear Gigant X, but lost that to Bottomless Trap Hole. He flipped Geargiarmor face-down.

Torossian drew Reaper. He Flip Summoned Android, and when it attacked it was destroyed by Mirror Force. He Set Reaper.

Torres flipped up Geargiarmor again, adding Geargiano Mk-II to his hand. He Summoned it, reviving Geargiaccelerator, then played Mind Control! He swiped Torossian’s face-down Reaper! He Flip Summoned it, then stacked Reaper and Geargiano Mk-II for Leviair the Sea Dragon. Torossian tried to bounce Leviair back to the Extra Deck with Compulsory Evacuation Device, but Torres played Solemn Judgment! Leviair brought Geargiarsenal back to the field. Geargiarsenal, Geargiarmor, and Geargiaccelerator were stacked to Xyz Summon Number 16: Shock Master! Torossian wouldn’t make it through the turn!

Andres Torres takes a grinding second Duel, thanks to Dimensional Fissure slowing everything down!

Duel 3

Torossian started off his final Duel with a hand of 2 Solemn Warnings, Card Trooper, Dark Armed Dragon, Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Chaos Sorcerer. He played Trooper, sending Sangan and 2 Torrential Tributes to the Graveyard. He Set a Warning.

Torres destroyed the Warning with Mystical Space Typhoon. He played Geargiarsenal, which destroyed Trooper. Torossian drew Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning with Trooper’s effect. Next, Torres Tributed Geargiarsenal to bring Geargiarmor out, and flipped it face-down. He Set one back row card.

Torossian drew Cyber Dragon. He Normal Summoned Tour Guide, which Special Summoned another Guide from his Deck. He stacked his Fiends to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in defense position, then Set Warning.

Torres played Pot of Duality, immediately choosing Mystical Space Typhoon without even glancing at the other cards. He played the Typhoon to get rid of Torossian’s Warning, then Flip Summoned Geargiarmor. It gave him Geargiano Mk-II. He Set a monster and a back row.

Torossian drew Allure of Darkness. He drew Caius the Shadow Monarch and Heavy Storm, then banished Caius. He played Heavy Storm, and Torres Chained Compulsory Evacuation Device to get rid of Zenmaines. Next, Torossian Special Summoned Dark Armed Dragon! It destroyed Geargiarmor and Geargiaccelerator by banishing both of his Tour Guides. Dark Armed Dragon attacked directly.

Torres Set a monster and a back row.

Torossian drew Bottomless Trap Hole. He banished Sangan so Dark Armed Dragon target the face-down monster, and Torres negated Dark Armed Dragon with Fiendish Chain! Torossian Set Bottomless Trap Hole. “Caius?” Torres asked, smiling. Torossian had, unfortunately, banished his Caius earlier with Allure!

Torres Flip Summoned Geargiarmor! It added Geargiaccelerator to his hand, and he Special Summoned it. He stacked his Geargias for Gear Gigant X, and Torossian destroyed it with Bottomless Trap Hole. Torres Set a monster and activated Dimensional Fissure.

Torossian drew Book of Moon. He Tributed his Dark Armed Dragon for Cyber Dragon and attacked Torres’s face-down Geargiarmor. That added Geargiaccelerator to Torres’s hand. Torossian Set Book of Moon.

Torres Normal Summoned Geargiano Mk-II. It brought Geargiarmor back to the field, then he Special Summoned Geargiaccelerator. He stacked Geargiaccelerator and Geargiarmor for Maestroke the Symphony Djinn. Maestroke detached Geargiarmor to turn Cyber Dragon face-down. When Maestroke attacked Cyber Dragon, Torossian blocked the attack with Book of Moon. Torres Set a back row card.

Torossian drew Dark Hole. He Flip Summoned Cyber Dragon, and Torres negated its Summon with Solemn Warning. Torossian followed up with Dark Hole! Maestroke couldn’t save itself while face-down!

Torres passed.

Torossian drew Compulsory Evacuation Device and Set it.

Torres passed.

Torossian drew Spirit Reaper! He Summoned it and attacked directly, costing Torres his Heavy Storm.

Torres Set a back row card.

Torossian drew Cyber Dragon. Reaper attacked into Dimensional Prison.

Torres activated Pot of Avarice! He returned Geargiarmor, Geargiarsenal, and 3 Geargiaccelerators to his Deck, then drew two cards. He Normal Summoned Geargiarsenal and Tributed it for Geargiarmor from his Deck. He flipped it face-down. (Despite Dimensional Fissure, Torres had monsters in his Graveyard because Xyz Materials are not banished by Dimensional Fissure)

Torossian drew Mystical Space Typhoon. He Special Summoned Cyber Dragon, and Torres activated Bottomless Trap Hole. Torossian saved Cyber Dragon with Compulsory Evacuation Device, then Special Summoned it again! Cyber Dragon destroyed the Geargiarmor in battle, and it gave Torres a Geargiarsenal in his hand. Torossian Set Mystical Space Typhoon.

Torres Normal Summoned his Geargiarsenal, Tributing it for a new Geargiarmor. He turned it face-down and Set a back row card.

Torossian drew Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter. He had Cyber Dragon attack Geargiarmor, and it gave Torres Geargiano Mk-II. Torossian Set Ryko.

Torres Set a monster.

Torossian drew Gk Spy. He Flip Summoned Ryko, and Torres negated its Summon with Solemn Warning! Torossian destroyed Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi” in battle with Cyber Dragon.

Torres Set a back row card and a monster. In the End Phase, Torossian played Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the freshly Set card: another Mystical Space Typhoon.

Torossian drew Bottomless Trap Hole. He Normal Summoned his Spy, then had Cyber Dragon destroy Geargiano Mk-II. Spy attacked directly, finally finishing this incredibly long Duel!

Nareg Torossian is the winner of a Super Rare Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry!


Public Events Points Playoffs Winner: Anthony Ennis

October 22nd, 2012

Anthony Ennis used his Agents Deck to defeat a Wind-Up Deck in the Finals of the Public Events points playoffs, earning himself a Super Rare Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry!


 Congratulations to Anthony Ennis


Congratulations to Anthony Ennis!

Public Events Random Playoffs Winner: Michael LaBombard

October 22nd, 2012

Michael LaBombard used his Wind-Up Deck to defeat a Fish Deck in the Finals of the Public Events random playoffs, earning himself a Super Rare Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry!


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The Finals: Chris Tuttobene Versus Chris LeBlanc

October 22nd, 2012

It all comes down to this!  This weekend we saw 1154 Duelists gather right here at the Rhode Island Convention Center, and now that massive field has been whittled down to just two competitors.  Fifteen year-old Chris LeBlanc hails from Boston Massachusetts, and made it to the Finals of this tournament with Karakuri Geargia.  This is his first YCS Top 32 appearance.  His opponent is Rochester, New York’s Chris Tuttobene, a Chaos Dragon Duelist who’s no stranger to the top cut spotlight.  Experience favors Tuttobene, but this one is anybody’s Match!


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Sunday’s Dragon Duel Top 4!

October 22nd, 2012

 Congratulations to Sunday’s Top 4 Dragon Duelists!


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Top 4 Feature Match: Christopher LeBlanc vs. Andres Torres

October 22nd, 2012

 Christopher LeBlanc from Boston, Massachusetts and Andres Torres from South America are the last two Karakuri Geargia Duelists left in the tournament. Now, they’re Dueling against one another for a spot in the finals of YCS Providence!


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Ultimate Pegasus Challenge! Round 1: Robbie Kohl vs. Carlos Valdez

October 21st, 2012

This is the Ultimate Pegasus Challenge: Things will pan out like a regular tournament, except for one problem. The creator of the game is here, and he’s feeling finicky! He’ll be throwing out rule changes on a whim, and all Duelists participating must comply! Darren Dunston, the voice of Pegasus, took hold of the microphone.

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