Top 4 Pairings YCS Meadowlands
We are down to the Top 4 players here at YCS Meadowlands
We are down to the Top 4 players here at YCS Meadowlands
And then there were eight. This Top 8 Feature Match pits Andrew Fredella’s Mermails against Willian Fernandes’s Fire Fists. We saw Fernandes’s Deck in action in an earlier Feature Match: He’s using Magic Planter along with a ton of Continuous Traps like Call of the Haunted, Fiendish Chain, and Fire Formation – Tenken. These two Duelists are actually sharing a hotel room together to attend this event! They’ve played each other a bunch of times, and Fredella was convinced he was about to lose as he usually does to Fernandes. We’ll find out soon enough!
We’re here with Galo Orbea, winner of YCS Ecuador! He’s using Fire Fists today, and he’s facing off against Brooklyn’s Justin Diaz. Diaz is the last Wind-Up Duelist in the tournament. Will Wind-Ups move on, or will the Fire Fists prove who the new hotness is?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! In the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series, the spirit of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh guided Yugi through his Duels to bring him to victory. In Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, Astral follows Yuma around to enable him to use Number cards and help him win his Duels. I surveyed this weekend’s competitors to see whether they’d rather be guided in their Duels by Astral or by the spirit of the pharaoh. Check out their responses!
Jeremy Macwan from Staten Island, New York is the last Inzektor Duelist in the tournament. Now he’s facing off against Mermail Duelist Christian Georges from Queens, New York. Only one of these Duelists will advance to the Top 8, and we’re about to find out which one it’ll be!
15-year-old Jeffrey Strain from Delaware held a 9-2 record at the end of the Swiss Rounds to earn his spot in the Top 32. But Japan’s Satoshi Kato won’t make advancement to the Top 16 easy for him; Kato secured a 10-1 record at the end of the Swiss Rounds and is now competing in his second United States YCS Top 32! Kato is competing in the tournament this weekend with an Infernity Deck newly empowered by Lavalval Chain from Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars! His opponent, Jeffrey Strain, is hoping that his Mermail Deck will be able to defeat Kato before Kato can pull off his Infernity combos. It’s time to Duel!
Welcome to the Top 32! From this point on, only the Match winners will remain in the tournament. We’ve got Donel Jao, who managed to take his Evilswarms to the final cut. He’s up against one of his most favorable matchups, with Ali Yassine’s Mermails. Yassine has made the top cut of multiple YCS events, but Evilswarm Ophion might be a thorn in his side in this Match.