. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2012/03 – Lima, Peru

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2012/03 – Lima, Peru

YCS Lima, Peru Judge Staff

April 2nd, 2012

Judges from all over Central and South America have volunteered their time to judge at this event. Thank you all for volunteering your time in making this event such a success!

Too Many People To Caption!

Too Many Judges To Caption!

Public Event Playoffs Winner – Random Points

April 1st, 2012

Felipe had less than 1% chance of being chosen for the Random Points Public Event Playoff, having participated in only 2 events. This did not keep him from walking away with his very own Super Rare copy of the YCS Prize Card Blood Mefist.

Felipe Pucha (Ecuador)

Felipe Pucha (Ecuador)

Public Event Playoffs Winner – Most Points

April 1st, 2012

Alejandro spent a good portion of the weekend participating in some of the many Public Events we had to offer in YCS Lima. It paid off with his very own Super Rare copy the YCS Prize Card Blood Mefist.

Alejandro Jaramillo (Ecuador)

Alejandro Jaramillo (Ecuador)

Dragon Duel Winners – Sunday

April 1st, 2012

After 4 competitive rounds of Swiss, 4 Duelists have been determined as winners!

Mijail, for the second day in a row, has gone undefeated in the Dragon Duel with a Machina Gadget Deck that teched in Jinzo and Jinzo-Returner.

Rodrigo, for the second day in arow, has also finished second with a Twilight Deck.

Jorge finished third with a Machina Gadget Deck that also teched Jinzo and Jinzo-Returner.

Nicolas, placing in the Top 4 in both Dragon Duels this weekend, finished fourth with a Gladiator Beast Deck.


Left to right: 3rd Place: Jorge Vasallo, 1st Place: Mijail Flores, 2nd Place: Rodrigo Guevara, 4th Place: Nicolas Castillo.

Left to right: 3rd Place: Jorge Vasallo, 1st Place: Mijail Flores, 2nd Place: Rodrigo Guevara, 4th Place: Nicolas Castillo.

YCS Lima, Peru – Final Standings

April 1st, 2012

Here are the final standings for YCS Lima.

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Public Events – 3 vs. 3 Team Dueling Winners

April 1st, 2012

These Duelists triumphed over 15 other teams to win first place in the 3 vs. 3 Team Dueling tournament, with their team named Team Canal Cultural. They each received a 3×3 uncut sheet of Order of Chaos Secret Rares.

Left to right: Franco Jimenez (Bolivia), Luis Torres (Bolivia), Ariel Quispe (Bolivia)

Left to right: Franco Jimenez (Bolivia), Luis Torres (Bolivia), Ariel Quispe (Bolivia)

Public Events – ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! #2 Winner

April 1st, 2012

Emiliano battled against 4 other opponents to climb to the top and earn his very own copy of Granmaestro Ninja Hanzo (Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo).

Emiliano Passoni (Argentina)

Emiliano Passoni (Argentina)

YCS Lima Top 4 Duelists

April 1st, 2012

Here are your Top 4 Duelists!


Left to right: 4th Place: Jonathan Ruiz (Ecuador), 1st Place: Hector Delgado (Peru), 2nd Place: Jorge Garcia (Ecuador), 3rd Place: Gerardo Delgado (Peru)

Left to right: 4th Place: Jonathan Ruiz (Ecuador), 1st Place: Hector Delgado (Peru), 2nd Place: Jorge Garcia (Ecuador), 3rd Place: Gerardo Delgado (Peru)

1st Place: Hector Delgado

April 1st, 2012

Name: Hector Delgado

Age: 26

Location: Lima, Peru

Deck: Dino Rabbit

Home Store: CC Arenales – The Shadow Duel

Hector Delgado (Peru)

Hector Delgado (Peru)

2nd Place: Jorge Garcia

April 1st, 2012

Name: Jorge Garcia

Age:  24

Location: Guayaquil, Ecuador

Deck: Dino Rabbit

Home Store: Duelist Place

Jorge Garcia (Ecuador)

Jorge Garcia (Ecuador)